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The Great Mongol Khan

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Status Updates posted by The Great Mongol Khan

  1. "Anthos is like a dagger of ****" -Me

    1. empirerebel


      "only stupid ppl quot themselves" -me

    2. Heff
  2. Great informative video. Viewer discretion is advised.

    1. yopplwasupxxx


      came in my pants

    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      I don't even understand anymore...

  3. Lord of the Craft is an RP Server? What is this ****? Since when?

    1. Heff
    2. Bucky_24


      Fight the power! F the system!

  4. The status above my is irrelevant.

  5. Just got a $10 Amazon gift card from a secret santa, don't know what to buy.

    1. Kilig


      Spend a few moments browsing on amazon. If you're like me you'll soon find 100 things you can't live without. 

    2. The Great Mongol Khan
  6. Join the Sapphire Shield Masters. They'reeeeeeeeeeeee great!

    1. Cracker


      Bronte Boars?

  7. Stop with banfest.

    1. Heff


      Makes good ban of Kyle.

  8. @excited Please release me from your basement

  9. Everyone's bitching about the forums. Basically fixed already.

    1. Notic


      Imagine not  living in Bramblebury smh

  10. Wheat at the cheapest prices! Come see us!

  11. I'm not gonna lie, these are the sh!ttiest post battle propaganda posts I've ever seen


    1. UnbanCharlesTheBald2021


      Well we're simply roleplayers trying our hardest man, if we cannot convince you, it's probably because you are not roleplaying but reading it with a 2022 mind. Your character is a medieval peasant who thinks the earth is flat, there's great chances that a light propaganda post will convince your character about a battle. 


      These days people expect so much quality out of people but they always forget their roots, that 95% of the populace in medieval times believed in witches. You must understand what we're trying to do here and that there is a person behind the character, so judge people lightly when a post doesn't convince you.


  12. People really need to look at my ban appeal. Everyone else is getting 400 views in a day and mine has been up for a few. I feel so useless.

  13. Thank you very much for reviewing my application. It is much apreciated.

  14. Trying to introduce a new style of rp go check it out and give me soem constructive criticism.

  15. *puts on a hoody. Joins rebellion*

  16. Well tonight has been interesting

  17. I think we need a serious forum topic to adress the communities issues in what has been brought up today, instead of oppressing everyone.

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