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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Supremacy

  1. I found a book in Haelon'or about Cataris. The book is "Magics Bane". The book refers to Cataris as Magics Bane.

  2. Hmm, so I feel a bit wrong cutting out on helping 3.0, but I don't have the time to dedicate to what would obviously be a long process. What if I finish the Zil'Maktum lore then gather builders to build their respective stuff on the 3.0 Server? Who can build arabesque-style content on Minecraft?

  3. Cyndikate, I was kidding. Never take what I say seriously when posted on a status update :3

  4. Kalenz's Illusion has been stripped by Cataris! Dun dun dun!

  5. Everyone who joined the server after me is a noob

  6. Can a forum moderator remove some of my warnings? I have had some of them for a very long time...

  7. One post away from 1000. Suggestions on what it should be?

  8. No Apps. There haven't been many lately...

  9. What if our characters suddenly got an inkling that some fellow was determining their actions and deciding what kinds of people they were supposed to be like?

  10. Bleh.. I feel like I can't RP until my VA is accepted.. And my VA can't be accepted until my lore is accepted.. What's a Rilath to do?

  11. Bleh.. I feel like I can't RP until my VA is accepted.. And my VA can't be accepted until my lore is accepted.. What's a Rilath to do?

  12. Cool people read Telekinetic Lore: http://bit.ly/O69Duv

  13. Good to be back! Writing up a news post. Stay tuned :).

  14. So, anyone got a child that needs a player?

  15. A certain thief is going to pay the Lysistrata Villagers a visit soon ^o^

  16. I'm going to make a new character. Anyone need a child or other relative? I don't have any preference on race, gender, or age.

  17. You say the lore is wrong, I change it, you say it's wrong. I'm sicked and tired of that. I constantly change it, and you still say no, will you please look PAST the skin, at my APPLICTION!?! I mean after a while, it's tiresome for the only reason that I am being denied, is you don't think my skin is good enough.

  18. Trololololol, all you 'muricans going to School right now. Broooooo, it's 9PM here. Prime time, baby.

  19. If someone wanted to do Dark Magic, which needs a VA and a MA... which would they do first... lol...

  20. If someone wanted to do Dark Magic, which needs a VA and a MA... which would they do first... lol...

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