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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Supremacy

  1. Who wants to be a drug dealer in Asulon?

  2. Mages, why you hide from Uncle Raptor.

  3. I claim Cataris. He is mine.

  4. Terrible start to the week. I can't seem to catch a break.

  5. Father/daughter bonding time. And people say Hightowers are all politics and intrigue... http://i.imgur.com/lKOV0.jpg

  6. You know someone is a good Role-player when:

  7. Fun role-play in Solace. Got arrested for sitting on a roof :3

  8. Might consider creating a questline for some players to follow. Mostly about discovering Cataris' past that is now long forgotten. Such as the fact Eze'kiel Tarus saved his life, perhaps his worst mistake. Would anyone be interested?

  9. There's an ender dragon in Solace, is that normal??

  10. Kalenz tries to scare little orc/elf girl away from gate... Fails.

  11. Haelphon and I caused some trouble in Hael'unor, then Hiebe showed up and it got silly, eheheh!

  12. Anymore. I am coming back, but not for a week or a month, depending. I am creating an in-depth character that I will need lore approved for, a lot of lore.

  13. RP challenge: Start a character who is the exact opposite in every way from your last character. EVERYTHING must be opposite. Race, eye color, personality!

  14. The Frozen Thorns need more jobs. Come to us if you need people dead. :3

  15. Might make a new character any idea's etc want a completely different rp experience

  16. Frosty Tea Party anyone?

  17. How tall can an Elf grow?

  18. My half orc- Elphaba just had her first taste of bloodlust..hmmm this is gonna be intresting :3

  19. Hey, you, yesyou Magic team members, check out the Q&A I want your opinions!

  20. http://i49.tinypic.com/1zwi740.png - The victims of the first Frost Witch tea party. :3
  21. Need a Idea for a new character :s Anyone?

  22. Wood elf: Why are you in Normandor barracks?

  23. Oh hey... I'm a princess! :D

  24. Any know a good idea for my new chara?

  25. Is it possible for an elf to be half dark elf and regular elf (being one parent was a dark elf and the other a regular elf)?

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