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Enyahs V.

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Enyahs V.

  1. Trying to list all the people I know who still play their first char...

  2. i should make a post about making fading to black bannable, it;s uneeded and pretty stupid.

  3. Time for guess who. Guess who will perma kill Mizu just before 3.0

  4. i should make a post about making fading to black bannable, it;s uneeded and pretty stupid.

  5. Anyone know if there is a boat that goes to holm?

  6. If I were to start a pure PVP fight club, would you guys join?

  7. stil looking for someone to pimp my skinn..

  8. I feel so... inactive. Sorry guys, busy with le work! @office.

  9. I get no love :'(

  10. Wakes up, logs on minecraft, Lotc down. logs out, goes back to sleep

  11. One day, I went to the shop and bought..

  12. Reading apps again, best answer to the last ORQ I've ever seen: " Keeps walking, he has just eaten like a bunch of magic mushrooms and was trippin' balls and he saw a featherless bird fall and melt while smiling and just nodded and passed by. "


  14. Forgot how to post colour >_

  15. *Crawls out of his cave, glancing at his profile* Total Tophat, eh? How nice... *Creeps away again*

  16. Haelphon and I caused some trouble in Hael'unor, then Hiebe showed up and it got silly, eheheh!

  17. The gas stations are out of gas in my town, that or the lines are 5+hours. Thanks a lot sandy.

  18. You know you're a winner when you spend half your day arguing with your sister over which is better; Mulan or Hercules. Psssst...the correct answer is Hercules...

  19. I'm still whitelisted >.>

  20. Why do all the tiny chats happen when I'm at school?

  21. Why on earth am I watching Twilight...

  22. You Asulon scrubs don't even know what "waiting period" is. Back in my days (*insert shaking fist at sky here*) we'd have to wait 2-4 weeks to get our VAs accepted/denied. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!! :3

  23. Out of curiosity who is going to be Rping as a Pirate, Privateer or some other profession of a sea worthy vessel?

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