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Enyahs V.

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Status Replies posted by Enyahs V.

  1. Knowing oocly you're talking to a woman who will most likely chop Lancels manhood off but knowing Lancel hits on everything icly :'(

  2. Good to see things are getting back to normal :3

  3. People ask me where I've been lately... learning the ways of the Jedi of course.

  4. So when will the server actually go up so I can get implemented?

  5. If I'm making a new char do I have to make a new app?

  6. Panda is trying to role play more with others.. A lot because she loves to draw other people's characters.

  7. I'm here for a moment to ask the state of the monks, so. Ea

  8. Well doing music theory homework, I literally lost all the fks I could give.

  9. Hi there. As you begin to read this status message, you grow increasingly curious on what's next. Why would a person start with such a statement in a status message, you wonder? What could be next? What does this man have to say for himself? What interesting thing shall I learn? Your eyes widen in anticipation. You fail to realize, that there is nothing in this status message. Only a waste of 15 seconds of your life.

  10. Well, now I know people I'm going to avoid on these forums

  11. What isn't a cow but is still a cow in comparison? (10 wrong answers and I will answer it myslef :D)

  12. ANyone tell me why my gid avatar isn't working?

  13. ANyone tell me why my gid avatar isn't working?

  14. I honestly wish we could disable aggressive mobs in 3.0. Or at least just have them spawned rarely, as events and such.


  16. its that week again... the demon with in me has released >:V

  17. I'm watching a TV programme about trying to convince Creationists that Evolution exists... It's going pretty much how you would expect it to go.

  18. Just a thought but, in the website's lore, High Elves are known for their magic, so why do they have to apply to be magical? I know that it is unfair to give one race advantages, but originally when I was reading this, I thought that you could be magical just being a High Elf. Just input from a severely bored person.

  19. I should start writing skyrim inspired Dragon lore. like dragons attacking towns. and only 5 people possess the magical power of dragons, and talk to dragons. must write dovakiin lore!

  20. What's with all the bans mayn

  21. Nobody wants to join my forum RP...


  23. and again people....

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