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Enyahs V.

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Enyahs V.

  1. I have come to conclusion that I will be killed by a giant water mellon...

  2. In Soviet Oren, Scipp3r does not enforce tax on you, you force tax on yourself

  3. I have come to conclusion that I will be killed by a giant water mellon...

  4. Is the date plugin working?

  5. Is the date plugin working?

  6. Having a philosophical debate/argument with my physics teacher about the nature of the universe. Like a boss ^.^

  7. Some 3.0 info for you all - In 3.0, mines will be specific to the resource ! Coal mines, Lapis mines, Redstone mines and so on - to promote trade and travel over the map !

  8. Its back and ready to play!

  9. Anywhere the wind blows / Doesn't really matter to me... to me~

  10. It's MA time.

  11. Anyone have a LoTC compatible MPM jar they would be willing to share?


  13. Okay so my character now is a pasifistic Engineer and scholar based off of the real life people Da Vinci and Tesla. Should my next character be based off of Mozart and be a conductor/muusician. Or a fighter who enjoys fighting in the name of his family?

  14. No-Shave November really sucks :L

  15. Don't like dealing with it in rp? Deal with it in rp.

  16. I love the characters that barely talk in movies and get killed. Don't know why, they're just the coolest guys.

  17. Is the report button not working for anyone else?

  18. I have been in the USA for a hole day and there has not yet been a parade to welcome my arrival

  19. Ewwehhh. Hopefully the length of my thread doesn't scare people away. It probably will. Geh.

  20. Good Rp. *SERVER CRASH* Cry/me

  21. Does MineCraft work on Windows 8?

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