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Enyahs V.

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Enyahs V.

  1. I'm sailing away~

  2. Does anyone which deities the elves worship?

  3. Can anyone give me the specifc reason in 1 sentence why we left Asulon to Elysium? (and dont link the thread)

  4. All your +1's are belong to us.

  5. I'm a wood elf now. Wood elves are cool.

  6. Whats the TS channel IP? A biscuit for whoever answers first, GINGER biscuits in fact!

  7. I didnt know not emoting everything you do could get you in trouble :I

  8. I have never been so annoyed in my life ._.

  9. Whines about lack of respectable villains. Gets attacked, tries to void everything. Hmm.

  10. I will say something here instead of making a post...which I am afraid will cause more drama. But, Alec has left. It my duty as a guide though to give the correct answer though.

  11. I will say something here instead of making a post...which I am afraid will cause more drama. But, Alec has left. It my duty as a guide though to give the correct answer though.

  12. I will say something here instead of making a post...which I am afraid will cause more drama. But, Alec has left. It my duty as a guide though to give the correct answer though.

  13. JUst want to get some opions on a blade tht can be put into a gantlent and can be pulled it not a spring loaded blade like Assassin creed

  14. Like Akorta said, I'm stepping down. Reag and Tythus are now the only members of the Technical Team.

  15. Killing off my first ever character was horrible! My favourite character, too.

  16. Killing off my first ever character was horrible! My favourite character, too.

  17. Anyone here have the Skullcandy Agents?

  18. What is your favorite pokemon game?

  19. World of warcraft or league of legends?

  20. *sits and has tea with panda, calmly.

  21. Im on the server...and its like Im a wandering soul, I've been accepted, but I cant talk or destroy anything...?

  22. God that volcano is annoying and dangerous :/

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