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- Aether VIP -
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Everything posted by Dreek

  1. Please update with the current format. Do you still plan on going through with this?
  2. OP failed to follow through on the event. Moved to Denied
  3. Event Proposal contains the incorrect format, and a very similar event is already in progress. Please talk to iseemoosego if you wish to give input. Moved to Denied.
  4. I'd be willing to help with this, being someone who has a very strange sleeping schedule.
  5. OOC: Mcname: 30326 Skype Name: nicholas.syr(if u ddos me i will su u!!!!!!) How active are you:alot Do you have Teamspeak: um... yes IC: Name: Drake Lenblade Race:Human Age:31 Military Experience: I have served under Lord Pius Silverblade while he was still traversing these lands. After his leaving I made my earning as a soldier for hire; I ____drake lenblade____ swear loyalty to the Lord of House Thorne , I am willing to fight and die for their name. I will uphold any commands and orders given to me, whilst continuing to respect and follow the Credos. If I were to leave or betray the family I accept that I may be punished by death.
  6. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103400-303s-gm-app/ If you hate me be sure to tell me how much! If you like me well, we all know that's impossible
    1. cruzazul
    2. HuskyPuppy


      I hate you number man.

    3. Dreek


      i luv u 2 bbys

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