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Everything posted by Endeavour

  1. When did this new layout come? ITS AMAZING!!!

  2. Server Crash or is it just me?

    1. BrandNewKitten


      server crash fo shizzle

    2. Bethykinss


      Just you. I didn't crash

  3. Application ((Mc name: c360)) ((Skype name: You already have it :P)) Name: Rowan McHarnish Starting rank, Acolyte, Healer, other: Apprentice (Yeah we talked) Skill in the craft: Swordsmanship (Planning on Magic Too) Criminal record: None Oath: I, "name", swear to serve the Order of the Riders. I swear to follow my superior's orders even if they seem foolish for they have reason behind them. I swear to serve the good of Oren. I swear to give my life for my brothers and sisters at arms. I swear never to betray to Order of the Riders. I swear to serve the Order of the Riders until the Grand Rider realises me. And if I break this oath, so help me god.
  4. OKAY NOW, I finally am able to get on 3.0 and get it for 5 seconds before it crashes and now I cannot get on at all.

  5. Server Crash? Or did I crash?

    1. Silevon


      The server did.

    2. Dyn


      Liri broke the server. Sorry for your inconvenience.

  6. Just wrote some Magic Lore. Please look at it and tell me what you think!

  7. Is it just me or did the server go down?

  8. Is it just me or did the server go down?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fid
    3. Valdis
    4. Kaun


      I think it might be the force of the elven language not wanting a human to know it. xD *begins teaching Henry Horen, server crashes* xD

  9. Yeah! I've been waiting for this to appear here and now that it finally have. I would just like to say, do you even remember Daeon? :sad:
  10. The things i see with this is the fact that people could take swords and bows away from people and other Items.
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