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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Yoff

  1. I'm enjoying writing guides! Pretty fun! Anyone think it'd be good for me to write some more?

  2. Gragas or Karthus? Or should I wait and buy Elise or Zac?

  3. Would it kill us to get some frigging DDOS protection?

  4. New VAT > Old VAT. My VA was accepted in less than 10 minutes, where in the old system it would take 2-5 days. Huzzah.

  5. VAT > AT #SpartansRule

  6. I hope you all enjoyed the semi depressing RP with Jemain but he finally realized his life was pointless(thanks for that Connor) and offed himself. Going to try an play a lot less serious, and emotionally deep character, and try to go for more light hearted, fun RP. See yall soon.

  7. Geo, what's a Scotland?

  8. So. Magic aura color based on personality traits. Someone needs to make a guide for it.

  9. Waiting on a Lockpicking modreq...


  11. Any tips on playing a haunt? The lore is vague on some things.

  12. Wise asian man [:C

  13. Apparently I already have a reputation for being harsh on VAs. x3

    1. Yoff


      With the format of VA's being so small, I think you are doing the right thing by being harsh.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  14. Accepted! Firstly, I'd like to thank my mom and dad, for their continuing support...

  15. The Hatters may have won the battle but not the war.

  16. Congratulations to all the new VAT! Glad to have y'all on the team!

  17. Hatters killed, please do not return to Abresi death point, danke :3

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