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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Yoff

  1. What's worse. Starving, getting killed by baby zombies, getting lost trying to find Abresi, or accidentaly placing your soulstone and being teleported back to spawn. WHILE SEARCHING FOR ABRESI

  2. [9:15:17 PM] Leo (Art): My lesson today is: If you want your guild to have a good rep, treat noobs like ****. And don't be popular.

  3. Incoming Lord of the Craft missile-joke! Take cover!

  4. Walk an mile in my shoes, then walk back, don't judge me till you do that.

  5. Rule number one when talking to a wizard, Your first words are never teach me magic. Rule number Two, don't say "I really wanted to learn fire magic" to a fire evocationist and then instantly go up and say "I've always wanted to learn Air evocation". Rule number three, don't flipping meta game the description. M'kay? M'kay...

  6. woot, made a skin, looks like adrian is wearing a kilt for the wedding! #first time making a kilt http://i.imgur.com/raDgZwD.png

  7. Lets all pugsy IRL

  8. I get my first ever really cool named item, after 5 minutes of having them I'm mugged and killed out of the blue. FFS Oren.

  9. I get my first ever really cool named item, after 5 minutes of having them I'm mugged and killed out of the blue. FFS Oren.

  10. I mow through characters quick. Teach me, please, how do you make a character that is fun to stick with?

  11. You know what DAY IT IS??

  12. Server, crash one more time, I dare you. CRASH ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME!

  13. Today was productive. Assassinated a king and stole and sold a panda. +1 for good day

  14. I dun't want to go to bed, but it's 2:40 AM >_

  15. I can't stop playing this -

  16. I don't get this PVP default nonsense...care to explain?

  17. While we're waiting for the server to come back, you all should so totally buy some beer boots (:

  18. Guyz, stop using "*****" In rp.... Be moar creative gah!

  19. What is with the orcs taking so much land? They don't have enough people to occupie all that land.

  20. How come we can have USSR symbols but not swastikas on our profiles?

  21. ok for valids i have her eyes basicly burned so she is blind, should i make it were if she take the blindfold off she has nothing but sockets? im not shure what would exactly i should do since she was useing a dwarven smith when she lost her eyes.

  22. ok for valids i have her eyes basicly burned so she is blind, should i make it were if she take the blindfold off she has nothing but sockets? im not shure what would exactly i should do since she was useing a dwarven smith when she lost her eyes.

  23. Does anyone else sometimes wonder what mods they'd love to see in LotC when / if mod API is ever released?

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