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Status Replies posted by Sargeblub

  1. Do you guys hate me for trolling?

  2. Well, I've been hating this moment for the whole semester. I have 3 days to decide if I stay in Sydney, or move to Melbourne. If I move to Melbourne, I have better friends, but a worse school, will take ages to move, and no Lotc. If I have Sydney, I have a better school, slightly worse social life, and LotC. Choices...

  3. Bradonthegreat1 and I are the only LotCers that live in Michigan.... ;-;

  4. Hey guys. How do I make a psychopathic character? I'm making an autistic Savant assassin character.

    1. Sargeblub


      "Busta, why does it matter? :P Slow yo' roll!" SuperSoda, I have nothing against you and I enjoy your posts, but that wasn't very smart to say. That's like me making a Super Smart halfling who can lift up houses and and throw them from Arethor to Alras.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  5. How about I make an apology thread? I've been a complete ***** the past two weeks.

  6. Is there anywhere I can learn more about Conjuration magic?

  7. The forums smell of OOC butthurt brought about by IC actions...

  8. So, apparently a large attack or threat is going on, shouldnt this be considered war and require GM's overlooking it? There's only one on and he's in the RP...

  9. So, apparently a large attack or threat is going on, shouldnt this be considered war and require GM's overlooking it? There's only one on and he's in the RP...

  10. Give me music to listen to whilst I write my essay.

  11. How many posts do you need to change the thing under your photo, like "newly spawned"?

  12. Once again raffling my services to any lucky comrade who can persuade me. I am very busy with college and an organization, but can make it online at varied times. I will join any group that can persuade me, but respect that you shall not put me in leadership positions, make me a common-rank. I can however of course help give OOC advice and such. Forum message me preferably

  13. So...what do you guys think a guide needs to be made about? I'm really bored XD

  14. How do I make a battle axe >:O

  15. Random questions: 1:what is your favorite candy? 2:what would your last words be if you noticed a bomb was about to go off? 3:why do people say "86 it" when you throw out the trash?

  16. Half Elves, Half Elves everywhere.

  17. Quite mad right now.

    1. Sargeblub


      That .gif was totally unnecessary. I don't get why the VAT feels like they can use .gifs and pictures when none of the other teams do.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. If you get kids one day, what would you name him/her?

    1. Sargeblub


      If I had a son I would name him Alexander.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  19. Sprained my MCL -.-

  20. RP on Aryon's server :D


  22. That moment when your 2000th post is a Ban report...

  23. I want to slap someone across the face for calling me a wench IC, do I need a warclaim for that?

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