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Status Replies posted by Sargeblub

  1. Ugh... the White Rose... ---___---

  2. Ugh... the White Rose... ---___---

    1. Sargeblub


      Aye, you are supposed to be let in but most of the Roses don't take kindly to being yelled at and commanded to open the gates. We're very proud people.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  3. Ugh... the White Rose... ---___---

    1. Sargeblub


      You're vassals to the Chivays, who run the Rose, therefore the Rose are above you. And last night when you were yelling at some of the Roses, you were yelling at Thomas Chivay, Grand Marshal of Oren lol

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  4. http://gyazo.com/2601c64d1ee1c5f3776f20003aaccd64 Good job actively monitoring the TeamSpeak. Juno has sat in the Rose channel for quite a while, Shoi was in here too, while all the other major channels (Elves, Dorfs, Orcs) go unmonitored. They also won't respond to any of my questions.
  5. http://gyazo.com/2601c64d1ee1c5f3776f20003aaccd64 Good job actively monitoring the TeamSpeak. Juno has sat in the Rose channel for quite a while, Shoi was in here too, while all the other major channels (Elves, Dorfs, Orcs) go unmonitored. They also won't respond to any of my questions.
  6. I know this is like.. not really okay to be answered.... buuuuuut are the main antagonists already picked out? I think it would be really cool if players formed them over time.. but that's just me..!

  7. Is it just me that thinks that Humans from Oren wouldn't be allowed to use the elven boat?

  8. That feeling when you know almost all of Oren is coming to get you.

  9. I can't make a peasant skin without him being positively dapper.

    1. Sargeblub


      Avoid vibrant colors for his clothes, make them gray, green, or brown.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. What do you do when every day, 9 people from Oren go and kill you? ;-;

  11. When people call me a bad RPer, it really hurts, a lot. I'm very critical of my RP skills and I strive to bring interesting and engaging RP to other players. If I catch myself powergaming or metagaming, that ruins my day. I immediately correct it, and apologize, but in the end, I just have zero tolerance for giving players trash RP. Call me a perfectionist, sure. I ran into a newer player who did call me a terrible RPer, along with another player who started before me. It makes me so furi...

    1. Sargeblub


      Implying that being here longer than someone makes you a better RPer than them.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Guys, if a large group of the Playerbase is doing something ambiguous for a very large amount of time you shouldn't just void it.

  13. Well, I found an IRL picture of Pugsy when he went horse back riding. o_o http://i.imgur.com/3mpoF.jpg

  14. Just a question for the community. Who would prefer to see an age limit on the server rather than the policy changes we're seeing now? This is not a jab at anyone or anything, I simply want to gauge public opinion.

    1. Sargeblub


      No thank you on the age limit. Though there are many young players who are immature, there are also players like Aryon, who are 13 and act very mature. I'm only 14, but I consider myself very mature.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hey Darkies?! Anyone want to perma-kill a white rose soldier? Pm me if you want to.

    1. Sargeblub


      Have Geoboy's Kha kill you, that'd be cooler than being killed by a Darkie.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hey Darkies?! Anyone want to perma-kill a white rose soldier? Pm me if you want to.

    1. Sargeblub


      We already have enough hate for the Darkies.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hey Darkies?! Anyone want to perma-kill a white rose soldier? Pm me if you want to.

    1. Sargeblub


      But then they'll have something to brag about!

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hey Darkies?! Anyone want to perma-kill a white rose soldier? Pm me if you want to.

    1. Sargeblub


      But we can't give the Darkies that honor for free...

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hey Darkies?! Anyone want to perma-kill a white rose soldier? Pm me if you want to.

  20. Hey Darkies?! Anyone want to perma-kill a white rose soldier? Pm me if you want to.

    1. Sargeblub


      Have fun trying to make someone PK their character.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  21. What should my alt character be race wise?

  22. Crossing off whiterose banters and writing '' Dark Rose '' aw yeah

  23. What the hell does Batman even do?

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