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Status Updates posted by Narco

  1. Greatest Minecraft Map :D
  2. 23rd place on Minestatus. Keep voting!

  3. A female character would have been a much better choice for running an Inn, attracts way more customers.

  4. Ahh, feels good to be back

  5. alex, U HAVE to wait 24 hours before posting again! You are wasting application chances!

  6. alex! you really should make your open response question/answers MUCH longer. Also, your powergaming definition is wrong. Check the wiki

  7. Anybody know of any good RP roles right now? Trying to get back in after a long break and can't quite find a role to settle in to.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Demotheus


      Anyone suggesting races or cultures doesn't understand the question at all. He's talking professions. Sure auverian or whatever...but what role wwould he play there?

    3. Narco


      Yeah I have basically 0 idea of where **** is, how to get there,etc because of being off lotc for so long. I was just looking for like a good RP sub group that wants more players to join up.

    4. Narco


      Wow, that word is censored? Ok.

  8. Anybody out there willing to play a young Inn keeper female character at a popular Oren Inn? I've found that a female worker attracts more customers...

    1. Dargene


      I might be :P

  9. Anyone know if Paysafecard works with steam?

  10. Narco

    are you waiting to be implemented too? I am and the waiting is killing me :P

  11. Can't connect? End of stream...

  12. Can't connect? Outdated server? Help?

    1. Temp


      Downgrade to a different version of MC

      1.7.3, I think

    2. xenenxnennxnx


      I'm on 1.7.5

  13. CSIS: Dream job.

    1. EmeraldStag


      Which one is that? There are so many I can't remember them all.

    2. Narco


      Canadian Secret Intelligence Services

  14. Exams? How about no.

    1. Nekkore


      I already done 2 one more to go.

  15. Felt kinda scared while watching batman in Aurora, Ontario, because of how 16 or something people were shot to deat at the batman opening in Aurora, Colorado.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      Watch your language, no need to spite someone.

    3. CTap
    4. Antharin


      Sorry ayres :(

  16. Finally coming back to play on the server after 2 months of being away? Server crashes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Narco



    3. The Victor Blair Project

      The Victor Blair Project

      You'll never let that go.

    4. Narco


      Yea, yea, whatever :P

  17. Finally got back from 4 weeks of summer camp :D Can't wait to get back in the RP.

  18. Goldman Co. Still in dire need of tavern wenches! (Or female Innkeeps, if you prefer..)

  19. Got this game called "Slender" . Basically every time I came across another page, I'd wish I didn't find it, because the "Enemy" appears more and more after each page you find.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)

      ArmedByBlade (POTATO3)

      There's gonna be a multiplayer version of it soon.

    3. Narco


      How would the multiplayer work? It'd be cool if there was a 1v1 game mode where one person is the "Searcher" and the other plays as the Slenderman :3

    4. Antharin


      I don't think that would work quite well, how is the Slenderman played then? He moves towards the player and the player can't look at him. I am confused.

  20. Happy New Year from Toronto, Canada!

    1. Amorphbutt


      I would like to hear it from Scott Pilgrim please.

  21. I convinced my friend Mega Mobball to apply to the server, prepare yourselves... Just kidding, he's a good guy.

    1. Lykos


      My body is ready.

  22. I just went on the server and found out that all my skills were gone. (100 farming, 100 swords, ) so I typed in the command, /addlevel swords 100

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lago


      No. In the herbalism update, all skills were turned into skill credits. You can spend them however you wish.

    3. Narco


      Oh alright, thanks.

    4. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      The master swordsman who enjoys peaceful gardening seems legit:\

  23. I need some fun facts about Cats...Please respond

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog
    3. Skyhmane/TLuke222


      No body actually knows why cats purr.

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      Cats are actually known to adjust the pitch of their meows to sound more like a human infant.

  24. I'm sorry, can I help you?

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