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Status Updates posted by Glaran

  1. I shot the dragon with like 10 arrows in the side and neck,should be dead soon.

    1. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      I would think that arrows are just

      meerly toothpicks sticking on its


  2. How long is an elven day to irl time?

  3. dont wanna ask this in-game,what are some common rp commands I should know about?Such as how to perform an action or similar things.

    1. Redbaron™


      Before you speak go *(then your message)

      For example *Lancel hits the wall


    2. Ever


      You use an * to preform actions. IE: *jumps would be 'Ever jumps'.

    3. SparehoeCakes



      That's a guide with all important commands. There is a whole section of guides, I recommend you check them out! :)

  4. The server was on for a few minutes,only I and one other person were on.Ill assume theyre testing a few things.

  5. I have to wait to be implimented....this is gonna kill me lol,had to wait for the server to change hosts now this.

    1. Jchizz


      Should only take a couple days at most, you'll be on in no time! ^^

  6. The servers online!!!!!!!

  7. Finished hanging out in monkies tiny chat...it was interesting.but still,wat.

  8. Who wants to host a tiny chat room so we can all lulz together?

  9. Cant wait for the server to go live! Hoping to make some friends when I start out

    1. The Hedge Knight

      The Hedge Knight

      I'll be your friend. :)


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      welcome to LOTC

      Enjoy your stay

    3. danic


      We ain't movin to a new world soon, Goldd

    4. Aiden
  11. just got out of a tiny chat room,everyone left me :(

    1. Rissing


      Aw :<

      - hugs -

      I'm always here for you :3

  12. And here we go,posted and such PLEASE if you happen to read it pm me any changes youd like to see before an admin gets to it D:

    1. Lirinya


      App team read it before admins do.

  13. I think its been a bad idea to stay up all night reading other apps and modifying mine every few minutes...Imagining is hard! lol

  14. Preparing my 3rd try at a resume for the server,reading others accepted trys to get a feel for what I need to add.I REALLY want to join the server and i'm afraid ill screw up :(

    1. higgsyy


      The only way to know is to try. Good luck

    2. Glaran
  15. Server Lore?More like server....SMORE lulululul

  16. Yay two deniles,this can only mean good things!

    1. Strife



      Unless you're talking about two Egyptian rivers

  17. Can someone give me a rough value of a Mina?

    1. Space


      .. 1 mina. But, like, one iron ingot is usually 25 minas.

    2. Glaran


      Thanks for that.

    3. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      Uh. Irl, a mina is an ancient currency which was equal to a certain weight of silver.

  18. I love this forum so much,its really cool to read through random stuff.

  19. I just posted my second registry post a few minutes ago and it showed someone was readin it,my heart was litterally pounding out of my chest.

  20. Waiting for the 24 hour mark to pass to post another revised resume!

    1. Glaran


      Its that time again!

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