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Status Updates posted by Angel~

  1. http://gyazo.com/c5982217f981f732a09c2b3d39c29753 Welcome to the party for MPM's return~!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gunner


      the sound of fedoras echos the realm

    4. bickando


      I have found the source of all lag on the server

  2. http://imgur.com/a1QQefR Dah cuteness Is too powerful I cant handle it! plz I wantz!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Angel~


      You are the devil if you dont find that cute..

    3. Cooonie


      Angel-sama would undoubtedly jump into the fire to save it.

      and then burn with it.

    4. youdude


      Ofcourse I find it Cute- It's designed to be cute. It has all the human brain recognizes as younglings, and therefore we have the need to protect them and show affection; Therefore Cute. I just hate it, because it's designed to trigger such reactions from people, and I hate being manipulated. Also I am satan.

  3. http://imgur.com/AsHWPdD if you watched Calvin and Hobbes..Or just want some feels stuff lookie ; ~ ;
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wYNFfgrXTI, just thought I'd put this here, I dont know what else too doo...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJmbHgHybKk And this is why Little kid's shouldn't play minecraft...;-;
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angel~


      Eh , It's Still Funneh to me ;p

    3. Samoblivion


      Oh the delicious pain...

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Ah~ Nothing like watching some cyber bullying. Now I feel all nostalgic and junk.

  6. -Checks back on Server- mmmm Dev mode...?

  7. -dies a little inside- I wanted to be apart of the Antagonists...-cry cry-

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      We all want to be apart of the Antagonist...

  8. -doesn't disarm leaving them with the nuke-

  9. -has teh urge to make a jack Frost related character- -but needs a MA-

    1. Shadeleaf


      -But needs an Ma- <This, it always comes down to this.

  10. -makes a new and more cooler fort- haha!

  11. -scans youtube cuz im bored- -finds fus ro dah vid- ....

  12. -sends a army of huge non-hackable drones- Must....Distroy...-launches rockets into the base-

  13. -sets up nuke in hideout- aww , Ok , well bbyye!

  14. -Sigh- Lotc How's your day going I noticed Lotc was one of the main reasons I played Mc...Well..-looks around for something to do-

    1. Lym


      Explore the world with me~

  15. -stares at the server list...- Come'on...

  16. ;-; missing out alot...*Goes depressed mode fully*

  17. :O Server is up 3/300 ...."not on the whitelist" fuu...;-;

    1. SteelTemplar


      Im getting the same thing

  18. .-.

    1. Angel~


      Yyaaaayy Dat whitelist :p

    2. Angel~


      People, calm down, they'll fix it :D

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