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Status Updates posted by Samoblivion

  1. R.I.P. Tony Scott 1944-2012. An utter tragedy :(

  2. I'm cracking up over your avatar xD

  3. So... I come back after 2 weeks to find that mobs pack a massive punch on unarmoured players, can sprint, and to top it all off I need bandages to heal myself. Not helpful when you're on half a heart with low herbalism skill and no wool >.>

    1. EmeraldStag


      <_> well.....exciting?

  4. I'm thinking of making a new character. How does a vaguely sociopathic apothecary with an unhealthy fascination with elf blood sound?

  5. For some reason my MC skin won't show up on my character. It's hard trying to convince someone that you're a dark elf when dressed as Steve.

    1. loakmendbe


      It's been happening to a lot of people lately... So don't worry, you're not alone!

    2. Alex_Pan


      We are not alone, you'll find out when your cover's blown.

      They're'll be be somebody there to break your faaalll!

      We are not alone, cause when you cut down to the bone

      we're really not so different after aaaallll...

      After all...

  6. 'And who are you?' the proud lord said, 'That I must bow so low?'...

  7. Herro LOTC! I'm back from Italy, returning to my rainy little corner of dismal paradise. I missed all my internet fwiends :3

  8. Finally off to the airport. See you in 2 weeks, LOTC

    1. gingernut97


      Have a nice holiday!

  9. Well, I'm off to the airport in a couple of hours. 2 weeks in Italy... perfect apart from the lack of internet access :P

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Śamo why do you never tell Panda thēse thíngs ? :<

    2. Samoblivion


      ^Oh, Panda, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to Italy for 2 weeks. Just thought I should tell you.

    3. Samoblivion


      When I come back I'm going to RP Kaelin's search for his real family, so I'll need a Dark Elf family to join if anyone's interested.

  10. *Sees a guy stab Gwonam repeatedly for no apparent reason* Meh, he'll be fine by tomorrow.

  11. Can someone tell me what 'Ame ito narne' means? A murderous High Elf screamed it at me before he tried to cut out my tongue.

    1. TRAY


      According to The Wiki it means "The forests walks here"

    2. Samoblivion
    3. Secret Lizard President
  12. Well, I'm off to Italy for 2 weeks! I'll miss LotC and the craziness of these forums. As always, van'ayla.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VonEbs
    3. Samler


      Van'ayla llir indeed, I shall give you a golden cookie for calling us high elfs instead of mali'aheral!

    4. Samler


      Van'ayla llir indeed, I shall give you a golden cookie for calling us high elfs instead of mali'aheral!

  13. Whelp, I said what I thought was a greeting in elven, but I somehow offended a group of high elves... yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Suika


      You were correct, but it depends which High Elf you were talking to, a lot don't believe the other races will ever rise out of their own ignorance and don't bother communicating with them. (Source: My character is a High Elf)

    3. Samler


      Voilence towards a mali'ker! I am dissapointed, it is all your foult! Jokes, you just met an angry high elf. I would have let you go... With no wounds.

    4. Samler


      Voilence towards a mali'ker! I am dissapointed, it is all your foult! Jokes, you just met an angry high elf. I would have let you go... With no wounds.

  14. I have officially had my best day on the server so far :)

    1. Samoblivion


      Started with a discussion about elven age in a bar, discovered a wizard's tower in the Mallowlyn woodlands, explored a ruin, went to Ildon and helped a young slave-girl to find friends.

    2. mmat


      T'was fun :P

    3. shiftnative


      very glad to hear ^^ <3

  15. What's the code for putting a spoiler into a post? I'm awful at BB code,

  16. I just met a guy on the server called 'Tywin Lannister'... Really? Is originality dead?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lugarthecougar


      I saw Tywin running around Ursakar.. It made me sad.

    3. 154684321654951


      Watch the spoilers Cat! Jesus, that's not cool.

    4. craotor


      ******* SPOILERS MAN!If i hadnt read the books i would have cut yore eyes out

  17. I watched a few trailers for the upcoming indie game 'Castle Story', and it looks set to be as big a hit as Minecraft was in 2009. It's kind of like a cross between Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress and Magicka.

    1. Elfen_


      It does, doesn't it?

  18. There seems to be a backlog of Event Team apps. I don't mind if my app wasn't accepted, but this silence is a bit unnerving.

  19. If you were a Dark Elf raised as a Wood Elf, where would you go to find yourself? Kaelin's already spent 2 years living in a swamp :/

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      The wilds hold all the answers of one's self

    2. Samoblivion


      The only thing the wilds held for Kaelin were some funny looking mushrooms made him hallucinate and think he was talking to the Dark Elven goddess.

  20. I love Red vs Blue

  21. Hehe, I love these questions on the Event Team app. I've spent over an hour getting my 'Drunken_Sailor' as lecherous and crazy as possible.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Now Panda cannot stop singing that song, thanks a lot samo O:<

  22. Well... I've put a hell of a lot of thought into this, and I've decided to apply for the Event Team as an actor. I'm off to work on my app now. Wish me luck :)

  23. As soon as the server gets back up I'm going to gatecrash this wedding everyone's been talking about. Cake makes one do terrible things.

  24. Well, I've decided to go through the first 6 seasons of Red vs Blue by wednesday. Wish me luck :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Bow chika bow wow.

    3. Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth
    4. Samoblivion


      *Tex throws sticky grenade*

      Simmons: "Um... Donut? There's something on your head..."

      Donut: "Is it a spider?"

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