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Posts posted by drfate786

  1. 1 hour ago, Werew0lf said:

    What’s the context though. If they did something years ago that they went unpunished for, and it was nasty enough to get them permabanned, I don’t think the timeframe should matter. 


    I don't think someone should be perma banned from a minecraft server for having angrily said a racial expletive some years ago. I think it's actually childish and represents a lack of thick skin as well as a massive sense of entitlement.


    People can and do have the capacity to change their views and opinions and them saying a certain word doesn't mean they hold that view or opinion. I think a lot of people in this community like to jump on the high horse and the reasons why are often quite sickening.


    How many times have moderators, admins and "pillars of the community" taken the high horse only to be outed as child predators, racists, toxic, ERP'ers, etc? I think the community should be VERY cautious around those who take any form of moral highground, especially when rules are involved.

  2. Spoiler













    Disturbing manuscripts have been posted outside of Norland, behind the foul imagery  is a message..


    "Just as thy ash sect hath fallen, so too shall thee.. Serve as they do, or serve in death. It matters not to us."


    "Heed the wisdom of the crimson lich, he whom wields the master's blade."












    Upon the doors of various canonist sites, the following Ibleesian manuscript would be found..

    As if.. In protestation. 








    "Haileth thee crimson lich whom shall heralde forth our beloved lord and saviour. Just as thee blackest tree once greweth upon the blighted soils, so too shall thy canon serve as thee fertile ground."


    A warning is written on the back of the parchment..


    "Thee Ibleesiarchy returns. Just as thy Aegis past, thy will serve in life or thy will serve in death. It matters not which thy choose."



  4. 1 minute ago, MaltaMoss said:

    yeah ok maybe you're not ill 🤝

    actual sane idea

    I thought you were attempting to say that empire's do nothing ever and are useless and bad (objectively evil take)

    sorry for even considering to defend the perfidious haenseman shill Xarkly 


    Yeah, empires like Renatus weren't that bad as they acted more like protectorates.


    Protectorates are fine, kingdoms are fine. The thing is, this has to be done through diplomacy and RP, you can't just FORCE people under arbitrary systems to be vassals in exchange for land. It doesn't make sense IRP either since anyone can just settle wherever they please, especially when a map is this big and unclaimed land is so abundant. 


    When I say empires I'm being hyperbolic and reffering to times where groups like Oren, Malinor/Haelunor, etc went too far and tried to steamroll every core race/non-human vassal to extinction, etc. Promoting player agency is important, if they want a big human empire they need to be competent enough to keep it together and stop balkanization from happening. They can't rely on arbitrary rules to stop vassals from rebelling, leaving, etc or people just flat out being independent to begin with.

  5. Just now, MaltaMoss said:

    Your take was so bad you somehow made me agree with Xarkly

    Please stop pretending like humanity as a playerbase doesn't hinge on some level of large scale overarching project no matter what. I said this earlier on this thread and I'll say it again, the end goal of every human project in server history has been to build something for others to join and grow, or join something to help it grow. This is the end goal of EVERY SINGLE HUMAN NATION, VASSAL, TOWN, ECT. 

    This level of historical revisionism is mind melting why did you post this.


    You're not understanding my argument. I'm saying that you don't need artificial rules and systems to dictate and control this, he's arguing against the current system that favors independence/player agency. You can't FORCE players to be a part of something they don't want to be a part of.

  6. The reality is this:


    Player groups on LoTC have their own cliques and cultures. These friend groups, cliques, cultures and whatever simply don't mix with nations such as Haense for example. This typically ends in the eventual balkanization of the server. To do what you are suggesting would actually kill off all activity in the server as these player groups simply don't want to be a part of your one nation 1984 state, nor do they want to be subject to a weak NL that just wants to steal their activity, numbers and by greater extent their friends. They'd simply establish a new nation out of spite and if they can't, they'll leave the server instead of being forced to be part of some nation they don't wish to be a part of.


    You can't and will not stop balkanization and any attempt to do so is folly as it just makes it happen faster. This is a player issue not a staff or rule issue. I'm not dumb and I know what you're calling for, it won't happen. It will never happen.


    My advice to you and your clique @Xarkly, stop trying to rule the world before you end up suffering the same fate Oren did in the Acre rebellion. I don't understand what it is with this strange and dangerous obsession for control over player agency, leave people alone. 


    There is absolutely no rule or system you can introduce to this server to help you control the playerbase, they don't want to be under human empire number 108. They don't want vassalage and they don't want domination. 


    All I can gather from this post is some poor attempt at trying to be manipulative and convince people that an empire/big autocratic nation wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. It absolutely is and has never led to anything positive on this server, ever. 



  7. 4 hours ago, Narthok said:

    Grommash upon receiving word of this message squints at it briefly before replying "This is the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life. This idiot is white washed, especially considering the really weird clothes and canonist cross."  Grommash would hand his edict to a goblin attendant and return to examining the designs of the new city.


    Foo'tzie Da Footstabbah is handed the missive from Grommash, he delivers it to to every Wargoth in the land. Additionally, the snickering fiend begins plotting with his underlings. A vile plot to steal Varn's shoes and sever his tendons was now in the works.. Woe to any who anger the Foo'tzie clan.

  8. I love how most of the CT's who're responding to this are just giving sarcastic or poor attempts at wit.


    Do your jobs or be removed, there is absolutely no reason we need you in staff if you don't perform your assigned roles. If real life is a reason why you can't do apps, resign or go on hiatus so someone else can do it.


    I think an admin response is warranted or an assurance that apps will be seen to faster. These new players are the lifeblood of the server and without them the community will wither and die. There is a rush to reviewing applications because if they're made to wait too long they might log off the forums and never come back.


    Edit: For those wondering why I might sound slightly miffed at this. It stands to reason that if I can be removed from the former world team for failing to fill out a form, you can be removed for failing to review applications.

  9. To be frank, I will never understand why this wasn't a thing a long long time ago. As for aging, a Necro's ultimate goal can be to cheat death through obtaining lichdom or some other form of "ascendancy" that renders them beyond death. The degradation of the body and of the soul is a core aspect of Necromancy as the more the soul withers and rots, the more their morality decays until any means of self-preservation becomes acceptable.

  10. 43 minutes ago, frankdh said:

    chad response @itdontmatta


    I should remark here that moderation is not punishing Crevel and Jihnyny for trying to bring a concerning matter to our attention, but instead HOW it was brought to our attention. Rally-calling and moral-showboating doesn't earn you any bonus to your social reputation, especially when it involves exposing even more of the playerbase to the explicit content you searched for. 


    I agree, they should of kept it to DM's. If they felt like action wasn't being taken, they should of given the moderators and admins in question an ultimatum where if something isn't done (no response, inaction, etc) within a month they would go to the authorities and Discord's safety team. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, itdontmatta said:

    Although I disagree with the way Jihnyny went about their concern, I respect their opinion. I'm honestly fed up with the "Why have you killed my entire family?" comments @'ing all of staff, moderation, and admins. A lot of you sit on your ass typing up your tiktok comment responses to crack a quick joke or accuse without any sort of context just to get an easy +1. The other lot of you +1 a post thinking you're doing something by clicking the "I support" button on a change.org thread without looking at any of the context. I want to take a chance to commend @TreeSmoothie @TheBigBubbles @K_rusader @UnBaed @MaltaMoss @Sarven and @Cloakedsphere for posting actual feedback for how we can improve our systems. I might not agree with all of them, but it's a step towards getting to where we want this community to be because I KNOW it's not perfect.


    This shit?





    is so ******* useless.


    A lot of you seem to forget that I was once in your shoes as a normal player. I am not some bureaucratic lizardman who is trying to let pedophiles and predators play on our server. I know that this server is an outlet for many people to escape their real life situations and trauma, and the last thing I want is for someone to be reminded of that here. As I've said in every other post that points out a problem with our safety or player conduct policy, DM me on discord and I'd love to have a conversation with you on how we can move forward.


    Why haven't you and Telanir gotten rid of the +1 function on the forums yet? I think things would be better off if we weren't simulating reddit.

  12. 2 hours ago, TheBigBubbles said:

    So are we TOS banning people now for the things they do off server? You can certainly make the argument that this information was able to be found, sure, but you still had to find it. I frankly consider it disgusting that you'd conflate someone's kinks that they participate in with adults as something to do with preying on children.

    TOS bans take actual evidence of wrong doing. I entirely agree that the bunny lore was suspicious given their other activities, though the actual content of the piece, whilst entirely bare bones was not sexual. I can understand why you'd then want to investigate this person and see if they were a danger to the community. This all is commendable. However, the moment that it stopped being commendable is when you posted this all over the LOTC discords and forums for actual minors to easily access and see.

    The series of events ideally would have been that you:
    1. Find something suspicious.

    2. Investigate it and collect evidence.

    3. Bring said evidence to someone on the mod team and preferably safety team who can then do more detailed investigations.

    Now, if they ignore this, then you'd be justified in making a post explaining the situation without links to graphic content. If these reports truly are ignored then we have a problem. Though as it stands now you took someone's off server online presence, publicized it, made the content basically impossible not to see and are now complaining that you were told off. In no way am I saying that toxicapple is innocent in all of this, some things could have been done to remove any links to graphic media in their discord profile, but that can all be remedied by informing them that it's visible to the public etc. There was and still is no reason to plaster the content all over this platform.

    Thank you


    If they're sexualizing minors and being creepy off server then I think they should be ToS banned. If not banned, then they should be closely monitored by everyone on staff.

  13. pKzyWqau3nPkoqj76SLFsaG5Pa31y8Y3pfKUSN1ksS6MaAQbQhPkr-zm2fGfapN-AYLVE3Sw-wwcqYY1uiwSlC87vk_4tz4QjOqLV9wxDgvNgTv3sqtGq_UN92sFs3YO3LkuYqF75agpR9vlo4PATxg


    The last one, that being "Major" offences is just a list of excuses to permaban people they don't like or agree with.




    What defines Slander? What defines "Borderline Harassment" and what defines targeted discrimination? Any one of these, they can just make something up or use something taken out of context to justify a permaban. There's no rhyme or reason, it's just "I don't like what you did or said so I will permaban you now. LOL!".


    This mentality might of worked in 2011 when we were kids and minecraft had millions of people playing it but it definitely doesn't work in 2022. Once you ban a person that keeps a community together, there's no glue to hold them and they just slowly leave or get absorbed by other communities who then also get targeted.


    What I'm going to say next is going to come across as a conspiracy and a bit of tinfoil.. Because it is.. But..


    So far, the Haense player-base, dwarven playerbase (to a degree) as well as magic cliques run by the LT have all seemingly gained the most from every single one of these bans. It's almost as if.. And hear me out here.. Whenever someone IRP or OOC'ly opposes these communities (even indirectly) they suddenly find themselves under the swing of a banhammer.


    I guess LoTC hasn't changed after all, new admins same BS.


    Edit: All we're missing is a repeat of the last administration's downfall to happen again and the cycle will be complete.


    Buried in the snow and surrounded by flames.. A weapon like no other. The two handed weapon would be marred and chipped by centuries of use.  A stone tablet had been left in its wake; a challenge to the false and unwitting worshippers of Malleus.




    “False Rurics, false Edvardsons.. We know of your corruption and subsequent perversion of the All-Father’s decrees. We stood by and watched, as was his will.  However, the time for reprisal is coming and with it our silence is broken."


    "You have allowed wytchcraft, you have tolerated the wicked. Those few keepers who still adhere to the true ways of the faith are silenced, too afraid to speak out against a false king who would oppose them otherwise. Barbarians ravage the shores, ravage your lands and you cower in fear behind your petty gates."


    "The All-Father is displeased, the true faith is in peril. Weakness has prevailed over the lot of you, the histories of Seahelm are to happen yet again."


    "Yet, should you choose to repent, to renew what has been lost. A worthy soul must step into the hearth flames and pick up his blade.. Should they do so unscarred, the ruin of the unworthy shall be at hand."


    "To whomever becomes the vessel of his reckoning; Let none survive. Be they friend or foe, they must be punished.”


  15. Good on you, the toxicity in this community has only gotten worse over the years and no one's done anything to stop it. 


    This community is literally killing itself by driving people away, we've had numerous individuals who only wanted to correct issues get banned for some really stupid reasons. There's people getting harassed, doxxed or worse and nothing gets done about it.


    This used to be a good community where people could just get together and do what they wanted, this is simply no longer the case.



  16. An ancient keeper of old pens a mysterious letter to the successor. One which speaks layers of truth and burning intent.


    "To the successor of the arch-heretic Alisa Camian,"


    "You have been deceived, all that you know about the red faith is a lie perpetuated by the Tyrists and the false Rurics. Your predecessor was guilty of cavorting with mages of the vilest sort and actively sought to undermine the traditionalist values of the red faith. She ruined the work of the past and spat on Arthas's legacy, all the while plotting with the Orsites to establish the current threat you now face.


    She sought secularism and inclusion, regardless of the weakness and corruption this would allow. She succeeded in this and I failed to stop her. Every opportunity to remedy the issue, every attempt to remove them from power was met with futility. Indeed, everything you now must suffer is of the actions of the past regime. In fact, the old regime even went as far as to extinguish the old flame. The pact is null, the father hears not your prayers and has not since Morsgrad.


    In fact, the tables have turned. It is now you that faces the same threat I faced, it is now you that faces the heresy. Should you wish wisdom, should you wish advice. Should you desire allies to rectify what your sect has done.. You know how to reach us. Regardless, the long dark is upon you all."

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