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Everything posted by iseemoosego

  1. 9/10 Everyone /should/ know about the Kitten Master
  2. Anyone know what things you need for Total Tophat on the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      There is supposed to be Pinsir :(

    3. Pinsir99


      Aw... And WHAT IS Brilliant Breezer?

    4. Mish_


      Oh, then in like December I'll be a tophat!

  3. Anyone know what things you need for Total Tophat on the forums?

  4. I was accepted the same day as Rhia. o.o

  5. Stahp killing us!

    1. Bakerismaxamis



  6. In this picture it shows almost all the people leaving in a TS chat. So I am call troll http://gyazo.com/256cc21be1cdb98b86b9cec3b0f965dd

    1. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      All the White Roses. :3 Also, it's not a troll. I can assure ya.

    2. Kim


      A couple of those peeps are actually leaving D:

    3. seannie


      they are not allowed to leave ts?

  7. I don't believe this. In a way I don't think everyone is leaving.

  8. Well, OOC hate of the Adunians starts flame wars. Who woulda guessed?

  9. If you have ever roleplayed with me I would be super happy if you could put a comment on my Event Team app. I played Zoey in Kalos, and Torrah in Anthos. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91657-actor-iseemoosegos-event-team-application/

    1. iseemoosego


      Shameless self advertising.

    2. SortedJarhead
  10. Boy. That Escalated Quickly.

  11. I have finals tomorrow and I am freaking out. 20% of your grade is /a lot/

    1. V0idsoldier


      I got exempt from mine. Next week is my last week, and we're doing nothing. Good luck on yours, they are actually really easy. I took a look at my schools, its like a review lol. No need to be nervous!

  12. I knew Telanir *turns into a hipster* before he was famous

    1. EmeraldStag


      I was voting *turns his Fancy Fedora* Before it was profitable.

  13. My sister was training for the Boston Marathon but messed up her ankle in training. I feel really lucky because of that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trintea☕️


      Wow, What a blessing she hurt her ankle, You could of all been hurt O.O

    3. Mankaar


      My uncle was there assisting people as he is a Physical Therapist... He left early though!

    4. Mankaar


      My uncle was there assisting people as he is a Physical Therapist... He left early though!

  14. My character Zoey just died. I felt like a part of me did too. I need to make a new one. Any suggestions?

    1. Lord_Sauron_


      3: Make a temporary character and mull over what you want to be? A non-permanent char might help distance yourself from your last xP

  15. I think the server is up :D

  16. Febuary Vacation is the best.

  17. Trying to change my order for books. Been on hold 3 times. On the phone for 30 minutes...and counting.

  18. Rest in peace Zoey 2013-2013 The greatest Magma Cube and sausage roaster ever.

  19. Anyone have 1.4.5 downgrader

    1. Roxforbraynz


      Download the .jar at:


  20. Server is up... Debug lockdown

    1. Bethykinss


      It's been like that for about maybe 3 hours now?

  21. Sick -_- Not sure if I should play on the server or start watching The Walking Dead

  22. Do you need a VA to be emotionally unstable?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akeron


      It's questions like this that forced me to leave unfortunately.

    3. Wode


      Then no, go nuts!

      ..No pun intended :L

    4. iseemoosego
  23. Your mom is so fat that when she was sorted into Hogwarts, she was sorted into the house of pancakess

    1. Wode


      ...That makes no sense xD

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