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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Replies posted by Kaiser

  1. Wait. Axes can't break swords? Wtf is the point of having a chance to break a weapon if you can't break a sword! /rage

  2. To rephrase for those who misunderstood my last status, I think I've solved the problem. Exclaimation points. I should have said, "Bunch of horrible crap happened to my character today. That was epic! Thanks for the rp guys, I was worried I wouldn't get involved in anything the first day." And uracow, I WANT to die a lot. Looking forward to more roleplay.

  3. I am probably gonna make a Magic app. Any hints for making the app? And will anyone reference me?

  4. Excelent first day of roleplay. Poor Elerosse decides to be nice to a little Kha, ends up following two of them to Menorcress, falls off a ledge, gets harrassed by a Mori, and then harrassed by two goblins, as well as afterwards robbed by an orc. Bravo everyone. Elerosse is not utterly miserable. Thanks to all who were involved.

  5. Excelent first day of roleplay. Poor Elerosse decides to be nice to a little Kha, ends up following two of them to Menorcress, falls off a ledge, gets harrassed by a Mori, and then harrassed by two goblins, as well as afterwards robbed by an orc. Bravo everyone. Elerosse is not utterly miserable. Thanks to all who were involved.

  6. Excelent first day of roleplay. Poor Elerosse decides to be nice to a little Kha, ends up following two of them to Menorcress, falls off a ledge, gets harrassed by a Mori, and then harrassed by two goblins, as well as afterwards robbed by an orc. Bravo everyone. Elerosse is not utterly miserable. Thanks to all who were involved.

  7. It's dissapointing when you hear people talking about how "I yam gunna level stealth on meh character cause it makes me bettah at pvp." Does it even remotely suit your character? At all? Or are you just getting it so that you can one-hit in the middle of a pvp battle. If every single guard in Oren gets 100 stealth "just cause"...agh. What happened to rolplay...

  8. Great RP in the Cloud Temple. I was really impressed. Thanks to everyone who was there! :)

  9. Seriously going to miss this shop plugin.

  10. So, what do you think of the upcoming patch 2.8?

  11. people like Oahubeast are why we have all these stupid plugins -_-

  12. Lotc is updating! Woo. Mixed feelings about health not regenerating at full hunger bar...not to mention the fact the lack of potion ingredients to use in overworld...99% of the potions made are with nether wart...which cannot grow in Overworld.

  13. Lotc is updating! Woo. Mixed feelings about health not regenerating at full hunger bar...not to mention the fact the lack of potion ingredients to use in overworld...99% of the potions made are with nether wart...which cannot grow in Overworld.

  14. Hey everyone, sorry I have been gone for so long. My friend recently asked me to be the lore writer for his server and I have been working on that. So sorry all, I will be back today though :D

  15. Well, still trying to figure out how I will redo my skillset for the new skills >->

  16. Off to Floridia for a week, still have my phone and such. My RP reason will be a year long hermitage for spirituality... And to build a secluded abode... mwahaha

  17. I wonder if my application team app will ever be read or accepted.

  18. So my "Post Your Character's Theme Song" thread is a whopping 27 pages. Why isn't it pinned? O_o

  19. Ya'know. Running around, doing monk things.

  20. I understand Vaq can make paper into a bandage, but I cannot wrap my head around a paper being upgraded from a bandage into a better bandage?

  21. I'm feeling so squeamish... My dog had a blowout in her kennel, fell asleep in it, and tracked it around the house. I've spent a few hours cleaning... And finally took a nice long shower. Bleh, I still love my dog, though.

  22. Gentlemen, BEHOLD!

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