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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. Kaiser

    I shall never except such blasphemy

    You sir...

    They have a special place in hell for people like you

    Right next to Hitler and the man who created blues clues

  2. Kaiser

    No -_-

    You are not a house

  3. Kaiser

    you are a house now?

  4. Forum roleplays are getting more and more private.... I demand a revolution- wait where are you all going? DON'T WALK AWAY FROM MY IDEAS

  5. Dude, I love the monks, their roleplay is AMAZING, but I think they are just not with depth IC and only OOC, ya know? I've not once seen a monk go outside the temple, yet they are said to be the peace keepers of asulon, ya? It was just my thoughts, sorry


    1. Dargene


      Already there :D

    2. Goldd


      Goldd does pm rp sometimes :D

    3. Raptorious


      Star wars forum rp!! go go go go!!!

  7. why must I press ads for things I don't want o_o

    1. Dargene


      To help the server!

    2. craotor


      ^^This is mistaken.If you click many times the adds it wont help only harm.

  8. Ahhhhh some one help me set color for the forums, my post are all bland and boring -_-

    1. cmack1028


      Highlight the text and then click the color in the color choice above where you type.

  9. Also samo: Can I make a forum roleplay like the civi. one, but with a more planetary ideal to it? Thanks :P

  10. Rename the "Support, Feedback, and Bugs" to "Support and Feedback" as when I make a bug post I'm swarmed with hate about how I'm advertising a bug -_-

  11. Samo whens the next the turn for the civi. game XD

  12. Now that I think about it, why a I an old hat? I'm not old nor do I own a hat |:I

  13. Lol I'm a n00bz in computers XD

    Thanks, if I have anymore problems I'll tell ya

  14. Hay :D Thanks for the skin, but I'm having trouble downloading it :/

    Help? :P

  15. So old hats can change their tags? I cannot figure out how to XP

    1. meg


      I believe it is under "edit my profile" not sure though.

    2. Kaiser


      Thanks meguzara

  16. Thanks for the amazing skin :D Sorry I didn't see it sooner :3

  17. Did the server just go down |:I

  18. I have just found a bug about mushrooms, gana make a topv in the bug section now :P

    1. Skippy


      Don't post a bug report publicly, PM it to Vaq/Native. -_-

  19. I want to try to help work on the building of 3.0 but I feel like I might freeze up or break everything :( I'ma try to make an app anyways

    1. Merkaken


      Just remember. If you screw up. Everyone will hate you :)

      ((Seriously though don't sweat it XD No one minds a small hiccup. Just relax, and do your best :P)

    2. Kaiser


      I shall, thanks :)

  20. We are frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeends :P

  21. Girl stops meking out and asks boi to geht pop tart. boy gets pop tart and she asks him do u wanna b my bf and he says NO girl is hertbroken girl runs away... without eating poptart? AND SHE HAS LOW BLOOD SHUGA!!!1 boy finds her shes ded boy cries and wispers in her ear " I said i dont wanna be ur bf... cuz i wanna b ur husband" LYK this if you cry.... everytim [[i ROFLed so hard at this thing]]

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -Max-


      well that pretty much summarized why I'm disappointed in America.

    3. Kaiser


      Again, max, I didn't write this XD

      And who said this was made by an american, its from an australian port and website XD

    4. -Max-


      then they have been lost to the interwebz void.

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