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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Demotheus

  1. Server says restart in 1 minute....5 minute spass...no restart...?

    1. Augor


      server is too cool for us. doesn't follow rules. does not obey orders.

  2. Why was the trap thread removed? D;

  3. New headset, so amazing please. Oh god, yes please....Amon Amarth has never sounded better, or anything at all coming from a computer, has never sounded better to me than when through these headphones~ ^_^

    1. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      I got a ton of reading material, a set of 300 different shades of a special brand of markers for my artwork, and an android tablet which my family pitched in to get me. I am pleased.

    2. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      P.S. I'm going to color your picture now :P

    3. Demotheus
  4. Hello! Do you have a moment to hear the word of our almighty lord, Setherien?

  5. this is just great!
    1. Demotheus
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i was not dissapointed this time

    1. Nug


      people can see it in the recent topics box, you don't need to advertise it :/

    2. Demotheus


      people do anyway, so i do what i want yo

  6. Succubus magic? Anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Demotheus


      Ther'es a lot more to it that I've been discussing with a couple people, and working things out. It's not inappropriate. It's just the most fitting word. Basically, at the point where someone tries to FTB with a succubus, that opens them up completely for the succubus to steal their entire life force and kill them, since that's when they are made most vunerable. that's that in a NUTSHELL

    3. Moot


      Regardless, it relies on the idea of FTB, this by itself can lead to trouble. MY suggestion still stands.

    4. Demotheus


      it doesn't rely on ftb at all.If someone tries to FTB it's game over for them xD The FTB doensn't happen.

  7. Can someone link me to the enchanting/enchantment/alteration/transmutation/transfiguration lore please?

  8. are any of the people going to make a thread on how they 'killed' that 'monster' in Malinor today? :3

  9. crash? Crash.

    1. Demotheus
    2. Demotheus


      OH serenity, when is your mori project going to be done? ETA? And what's it going to be like? Just menorcress or what?

  10. Hey, any people decent at drawing out there who'll draw my character Daniella (my profile picture) ina different way? She's been significantly changed physically! Comment on this if you're interested in drawing a demonish lady for me and I'll give you the details! :)

  11. It gets real depressing when you see three leaving posts in the most recent threads...

    1. Lago


      The cure is to post more threads to kill them off.

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    3. Mephistophelian


      I feel you. Third I feel you in a row from me, btw.

  12. Apparently a bunch of people can raid Malinor without letting anyone know first. that's lovely... or so i heard.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Demotheus


      Why malinor, though!? Go raid the halfings or something XD

    3. CommunistSpy


      nobody plays the halflings is probably the logic behind it. Humans/orcs just wanted to raid where people were.

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      haha i ran like the panzy i am :3

  13. SO apparently there's been some change in the VA rules? Where you can steal massive things like boats and stuff without OOC consent or informing!?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. hosper


      I feel like the other party still needs to be aware that it is going to be happening... Otherwise... where is the roleplay in this... Anyone can log in at 6am

    3. Lago


      I'm pretty sure you need region perms though. You can't modreq to get into places any more.

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      we are pirates now!

  14. Is priest healing learned? Like, do you need to be taught it? Or can you be a devote follower of some patron or diety and learn it that way? (of course not a diety like Setherien)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Demotheus


      Would Nemiisae be a possible patron? XD

    3. excited


      Nemiisae lore wise, last I checked is insane from when she killed her husband. Since you're a mori however, I believe it was possible in Asulon, so I'd say probably :)

    4. Demotheus


      wooo! I should ask serenityonyx about it then xD

      And Nemiisae didn't intentionally murder her husband it was accidental. xD

  15. Server is like 4-10 second delay for everything >.> come on

  16. I hope this restart fixes everything and unrolls the roll back >.>

  17. Can anyone help me out with skinning? how do I shade clothes and hair and stuff like that? Or texture it idk which it's called.

    1. Mish_


      I can do the shading for ya!

      Simple, yet may not be the best, I also recommend you talk to Draeren for better help than I, he's pretty awesome

    2. Demotheus


      I wanna know HOW though xD

    3. Mish_


      Google it, should be a post on PMC detailing it how I did it.

  18. server come on...

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i feel you there..

    2. thepizzaplac
    3. Redbaron™


      If it wasn't for the restarts we'd be getting 10 fps.


    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i am very sad :( and COLORFUL!

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