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Status Replies posted by Smithers

  1. Hello lovey people ? The east coast has treated me well but I cannot wait to be home on the west coast. Many happy thoughts from the tepid boy adorned in many sun-toasted freckles. ☺️ See you soon. 

  2. This has been an interesting 12 hours

    1. Smithers


      They killed the good emperor for fat-shaming

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. The candle's flame continues to burn, swaying by the wind's breeze.



    1. Smithers


      Welcome back to the server! If you really

      have any questions just go ahead please

      and ask. This place has a very affable and

      loving environment. We've an truly got an

      excellent community. See you soon!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Draenei make the best jewelcrafters, because of their passive.

    1. Smithers


      Thanks for the advice my dude

  5. When you're trying to make an ironic and edgy joke about feminism— it helps if you actually know some feminist theory. Otherwise instead of being funny, you just look ill-informed... Just sayin'

  6. It+pleases+me+that+Saiko+the+dedliest+Warrior+lives+on+in+the+heart+of+ArcanicFable.+Good+reference,+boss!

  7. Are any marked men guilds still active?

  8. There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  9. I kinda hate playing a noblewoman during war because we aren't allowed to leave our castles or go and fight, but when we want to rp, someone's always preoccupied with pvp wars or raids or irl stuff. So we're stuck being bored and if we run away or talk to the wrong people, everyone gets pissed about it. Gr.

    1. Smithers


      Noblewomen didn't fight wars. They cooked, sewed, and managed the household. If there's an issue with it, don't play a noblewoman.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. Now, should I send Arayon to return to Haulen'or or nae...

    1. Smithers


      lmao if you want to be executed pretty quickly

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Mfw I have a bitcoin miner on my PC

    1. Smithers


      mfw you realize that bitcoin mining without a designated rig is hardly effective

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. i am having an uncontrollable urge to smoke weed everyday

  13. What do you all think of all characters being better, or stronger than another and not be seen equally? For example, instead of peasants being able to easily hold their own against Tom the wizard, Tom the wizard is able to easily incinerate them. This isn't limited to magic in general, but it's just a random thought.

    1. Smithers


      (...) which means you see yourself highly (by the virtue of your argument, as higher than the majority of the players on the server), and I've taken your advice and combed through your roleplay posts. You ought not think as highly about yourself as you do.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  14. What do you all think of all characters being better, or stronger than another and not be seen equally? For example, instead of peasants being able to easily hold their own against Tom the wizard, Tom the wizard is able to easily incinerate them. This isn't limited to magic in general, but it's just a random thought.

    1. Smithers


      (...) that has been done away with (for good reason) and has been replaced with something more workable.

      - Redxophos, this is directed towards you: If you would /ever/ hope that you could possibly maintain such a high roleplay standard that the rest of the server would allow you to have a character that was, via lore, more powerful than every other, you would have to be a fantastic roleplayer. You referred to yourself ("perhaps actually look at my RP") in that context, which mea...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  15. What do you all think of all characters being better, or stronger than another and not be seen equally? For example, instead of peasants being able to easily hold their own against Tom the wizard, Tom the wizard is able to easily incinerate them. This isn't limited to magic in general, but it's just a random thought.

    1. Smithers


      (...) up to standards, when in reality their roleplay is generally insufficient for a given situation.

      - I wouldn't trust a single person in this thread, myself included, with the power to "kill a 12' troll in one hit" after writing "6 emotes". Are you insane?

      - PVP default is Minecraft's largest and one of its most detailed mechanics - you're suggesting that we forgo it on a Minecraft server in favor of typing.

      - RP default is an archaic method...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  16. What do you all think of all characters being better, or stronger than another and not be seen equally? For example, instead of peasants being able to easily hold their own against Tom the wizard, Tom the wizard is able to easily incinerate them. This isn't limited to magic in general, but it's just a random thought.

    1. Smithers


      You know that you have lost a debate when you refuse to direct your comments towards another's points and, rather, insult them (and their argument) directly. I will, then, lay my points out for you for the needed benefit of your comprehension:

      - The general population of LotC cannot be trusted with characters that are declared via lore to be 'more powerful' than others.

      - The general population of LotC thinks that they're roleplaying magic correctly or up to s...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  17. What do you all think of all characters being better, or stronger than another and not be seen equally? For example, instead of peasants being able to easily hold their own against Tom the wizard, Tom the wizard is able to easily incinerate them. This isn't limited to magic in general, but it's just a random thought.

    1. Smithers


      ...on has provided a mechanic that annihilates that perspective. Magic could certainly be over-powered in theory, but the problem is that LotC players don't have the responsibility or self-control to be trusted with magic in that way.

      tl;dr ******* sucks man, but deal with it.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  18. What do you all think of all characters being better, or stronger than another and not be seen equally? For example, instead of peasants being able to easily hold their own against Tom the wizard, Tom the wizard is able to easily incinerate them. This isn't limited to magic in general, but it's just a random thought.

    1. Smithers


      All I really hear here is "grr pvp default grr". Goodness, /of course/ we shouldn't utilize Minecraft's largest and most integral mechanic on a role-playing server that runs on... *Minecraft*. Unfortunately, not everybody wishes to write a novel to document a physical skirmish, and PVP default provides a method of leveling the playing field. Hate to break it to you, but while you think all mages should have the opportunity to be uber-powerful, I don't, and the administrati...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  19. So what happens if someone has more than five magics?

    1. Smithers


      It means that you're spreading yourself too thin. Better to be adept at one thing than horrid at five.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. How does one not come off as edgy?

  21. Why can't people "choose" their PvP buffs and debuffs instead of it defaulting by race? As race does not truly mean much, race should just lock down on the racial proffession.

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