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Status Replies posted by Dargene

  1. Do minas have a "head" side and "tails" side ?

  2. Hoping to get accepted today, fingers crossed.

  3. How about all donor perks are removed? After all, isn't a donation supposed to be for support rather than perks?

  4. Sometimes threads are sinking ships, tis why I have to abandon them!

  5. How about all donor perks are removed? After all, isn't a donation supposed to be for support rather than perks?

  6. Can I be made a moderator of the Debate Forum, many people are going border-line 'hateful' on both ends of the 'Same Sex Issue'

  7. Whoever came up with the "removal of adblocker"-thingy idea: Have you asked yourself how LotC looks like for new applicants? No one likes being forced into something, especially when meeting first.

  8. Can I be made a moderator of the Debate Forum, many people are going border-line 'hateful' on both ends of the 'Same Sex Issue'

  9. I have something in the works that will hopefully be amazing.....keep an eye out on the Recent Topics ;3

  10. Downloading the Fallout: 3 (Van Buren) tech demo. It's what the game would've been had Bethesda not developed it, this should be interesting. lul

  11. Indian food > Chinese Food

  12. Rule#32 - Enjoy the little things.

  13. I'm now upgraded to Windows 7! *Squee*

  14. I have 3 ideas for forum RP- Christian Rapture, Secret societies (with nations), or Bioshock Rapture Survival. What does the server want?

  15. I'm coming out as a Pastafarian. I hope you can all respect my faith in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and live peacefully in his Noodly light.

  16. Who's the genius who made Anthos roads so damn lengthy? I don't enjoy holding my "w" key for extended periods of time.

  17. I was randomly walking and i found.. the secret society for fancy halflings.. XD


  19. Suprisingly, not an avid fan of this whole flu thing. -groans-

  20. Here, Trekkie Trekkie Trekkies...

  21. http://en.akinator.com/personnages/jeu Any character you want think of him and answer questions, it figures it out :D
  22. Was worried that I would get banned for geting an enchanted armor mob drop.

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