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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Replies posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. I love you Edward James Olmos.

  2. Tom Nook is the epitomy of evil.

  3. Today i went off doing a portrait of myself.. - http://i.imgur.com/PbOFE3O.png

  4. I just realized something, soulstones can save the Oren capital. Yay!

  5. It bugs me a bit that elves have been complaining about not being able to dictate leaders yet when given an opportunity they don't take it seriously OOC and IC... C'mon my friends. Rethink your actions and please stop trolling

  6. Who's the most failed character on LotC?~

  7. Who's the most failed character on LotC?~

  8. It's my birthday tomorrow on the first of march, and I know for a fact it is also Mogroka's as I think we share the same one...

  9. In bed above we're deep asleep, While greater love lies further deep. This dream must end, this world must know We all depend on the beast below.

  10. Now who shall Laila play with next?

  11. If you had to use one word to describe your country what would it be?

  12. Can't swallow anything without my throat hurting. Stupid cold.

  13. Buying a Guy Fawkes mask tomorrow morning. :D

  14. Charoodler is so lonely.

  15. Charoodler is so lonely.

  16. Why do girls in my school think it's funny to tease socially-awkward boys by sitting next to them and giggling with their friends? Makes me angry >:[

  17. Dont forget everyone~ its red rose day ICly! give your loved onces or friends a nice red rose!

  18. It's my birthdaaaay!

  19. It's my birthdaaaay!

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