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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by meg

  1. Herp Derp I need to play more Pokemon.

  2. Forum Rp, you so fun.

    1. Scipp3r


      It's the only RP LOTC has anymore

  3. Question of the day: How many times has your character died in RP?

    1. SparehoeCakes


      I'M IN DAT PICTURE ERMAGOD. I would be in there, but going eat out.. :/

    2. Lirinya


      Not going to question...

  4. The level of maturity, it is too darn low.

  5. Come back server!

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. Jon Evaglno

      Jon Evaglno

      We must do the dragondance ritual. Come, padawan. We may lose our lives, but we will have died for a great cause.

  6. Aww, I can't go to Minecon this year D:

  7. Dante likes My Chemical Romance? That's news to me!

    1. Dante


      Yep :3

      I adore the black parade.

    2. meg


      I am quite fond o' it myself!

    3. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Same Dante love that song

  8. Getting references is much harder when you have a deadline >_>

  9. Come back LOTC!

    1. Lord of the Craft

      Lord of the Craft

      Clam down. I'm on a internet date right now. You should see this computers specs. *whistles*

    2. Appeals.


      Don't listen to him, he is a fake. I'll come back to you baby, and we can be together forever.

    3. meg
  10. Dem Drama Llamas.

    1. Guest


      One big llama

    2. Cyndikate
  11. Just a couple days to find 2 people to reference my VA, this shouldn't be too hard...

  12. Let this be a lesson kids, just because it's an alternate account app doesn't mean you should skimp on it. Learn from my mistake!

    1. everblue2er101


      Also, you can't apply as a Half-Elf, you'll need to pick just one. You can RP as a Half-Elf but need one to set up the character card.

    2. Guest


      I'm not sure if this status is an excuse or actually a fact. Hmmmmmm. Jk <3

    3. Ibn Khaldun
  13. It's always hard looking at your past mistakes...

  14. Figured out what was messing up my internet....It was my lizard >->

    1. V0idsoldier


      You'll forgive him. Everyone forgives the lizard.

  15. Ohay, I hit 300 posts, better start preparing my 500th post special...

    1. nppeck


      At your current rate, you'll still need to wait around 100 days.

    2. meg


      I should probably start posting more >->

  16. VA writing is hard, at least I'm not missing any Rp.

  17. YOLUYD You only live until you die.

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