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Status Updates posted by Muhammadan

  1. Give me back my caliphate

  2. can i be unbanned

    1. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      i love this fat white boy here, unban him or die

  3. do you have a permit to be sheerin’ those sheep? : ^ )

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      Did you make a sheep shooter application?

  4. guess who’s back... back again :’>

  5. hey guys can i be unbanned yet?

  6. lotc isn’t the same without tape_sauce... can you unban him too?

  7. unban me from charles ts he banned me halp


  8. #doublepost4alex2013

  9. A little delayed, but gg on the battle earlier. I liked the fact that we could build.

  10. A little delayed, but gg on the battle earlier. I liked the fact that we could build.

  11. creative caffhavee join ts

  12. Happy birthday Owly!

  13. I just wanted to take the time and say that this will probably be deleted but I love you all.

    1. SirSnowMan


      Put your hands on the hood of the vehicle sir

    2. Muhammadan


      No, they are busy in my pants.

    3. Malaise


      Vaerus why?! Kael had so many books to give you!

  14. Is teamspeak down or..?

  15. Is teamspeak down or..?

  16. Servers up. :>

    1. mmat


      It definitely isn't.

    2. TavernLich


      I will find you.

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