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Status Updates posted by Malaise

  1. Remember that dying to a bounty prohibits future attendance. RIP brave, sunken sailors of today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. H


      Yay for frigate three! We can still go!

    3. Lubbie


      So happy I got on that one instead of my assigned one

    4. Hobolympic


      RIP S.S Irongutia

  2. rip in pieces eddyvilson_lotc, lisa anne will always be remember....

  3. Server comes up, bad login. "I AM IN NO MOOD FOR YOUR SH**, SERVER. KNEEL TO ME."

    1. Shadeleaf


      Ask it nicely and spam the log in button.

  4. Snelf sub-forum =/= Needed

    1. Stephensj


      dont the snelfs have more members then the darkies?

    2. hosper


      Oh god no... There are tons of Darkies

    3. Demotheus


      I don't think there are a whole lot of darkies that are...actually...darkies....just people who want to look like a dark elf lol. I coudl be wrong, obviously.

  5. Sorry, all Conclave RPers. I had to dash. Some urgent IRl **** popped up. Now I'm off to the Hospital with my Nan. I apologize again

  6. Sorry, all Conclave RPers. I had to dash. Some urgent IRl **** popped up. Now I'm off to the Hospital with my Nan. I apologize again

  7. Sorry, all Conclave RPers. I had to dash. Some urgent IRl **** popped up. Now I'm off to the Hospital with my Nan. I apologize again

  8. Spodermen can haz swg witout not haveng swg

  9. Spodermen can haz swg witout not haveng swg

    1. Kairn.
    2. Eleatic


      ur rite

      ur rit

      hes rit

  10. The servers lack of... Well, availability... Brings me tears.

  11. These adds. ;-;

    1. Heff


      Quite odd some of dem.

  12. these MAs look pretty backed up oof

  13. time efficiency is an alien prospect to this server

  14. Why is the server such a d***? ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malaise


      No my feels aaaa

    3. Desires


      plz mat clam duwn

    4. dank


      the server believes we have sinned, brethren and sisters, we must bathe in the holy waters of the skygods and repent! repent I say!

  15. Yes. My security just blocked it, Dr_Dovha. ;-;

    1. Parading


      Add that to the 'could have been a comment but is a status' group.

    2. Vista


      mine did too

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      damn it. You tellin me the nigerian prince and the long lost rich uncle don't want to wire me money?

  16. ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ

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