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Everything posted by SteelTemplar

  1. Lets all pitch in for some specialy "people" to find and teach these Craftlandia DDoS ers a lesson!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth

      Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth

      I declare war on Craftlandia! DESTROY!

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      tell me the host's


    4. Fid


      Lets retaliate, folks.

  2. Googled Brazilian DDOS attacks... Found out that they DDOS their government, their banks, and they have DDOSed PSN that cause the whole hacking scandal. Now (a diff. guy)) is targeting us.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ◀ Doone ►

      ◀ Doone ►

      Hahahaha.. Like we'll ever give up!!

    3. Gladuos


      Hm. Let's see, why the hell do they CARE?

    4. SteelTemplar


      I dont know why! I went to their website...

      ITS ALL IN SPANISH! Not even comprehandable spanish. I have had 4 years of spanish, and they use so much slang that idk WTH they mean..

  3. server down for 2 whole days?

  4. Free time? But server is down :(

  5. Saw the server was down, did homework, come back to computer *throws computer across the room*

  6. I am getting tired of these DDos attacks...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRealKiru


      We did, but until the owner installs and/or registers said anti DDOS software, we're spending most of our time on the forums.

    3. aron.


      the owner of lotc, or javapipe?

    4. TheRealKiru
  7. wishin I could donate but I have no cards :(

  8. Some people play borderline PG

  9. Some people play borderline PG

    1. EmeraldStag


      Those people are newbs then.

  10. What is going on with the servers?

  11. When you get back from dinner and the server is down...

  12. 6th hour for waiting for a response to my modreq

  13. How can I get my trade post deleted?

    1. Taiga


      Link an FM/GM/Admin the post.

      Or just link it to me. I can handle it here.

  14. Mojang servers are down, not LoTC but the whole minecraft multiplayer server network.

  15. I, Ser Peter Sheildings, swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my royalty, James, Kyral and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Ser Peter Shieldings of Salvus. MC Name - Peterquartz Do you have a VA? If so, give a link. -no Skill Levels (Stats, do not show if it is 0) - swords 78 mining 47 Blacksmithin 12 Bows 13 (Answer as if you were placed into this situation.) - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley. *Immediatly unsheathes sword and gives chase. Yells "Gaurds, I need some help!" *Chases them until guards can help subdue them. IC Section What is your name? - Peter Shieldings Why do you wish to join the Hightowers? - I am part of the high tower's royal guard What skills do you offer to aid Solace? - A willing and capable person who has defended Solace before If anyone had convinced you to join, whom was it? - Prince lancel Have you ever lived in Solace before this time? - I live in solace now. *signs name at bottom of sheet
  16. If anyone is looking for a family member or a worker, PM me.
  17. Minecraft Name: peterquartz In-Character name: Sir Peter The Brave What race are you : Human Have you ever lived in Solace:No Did anyone direct you to joining, if so who: No 5. As Peter saw the man's lifeless body on the ground, Peter began to draw his sword and yelled for the gaurds. Peter was right behind the murderers as the guards caught up. They caught up to Peter, and together, they faught the thieves and killed them but suffered minor injuries except for the new recruit guard who lost a finger when the goblin bit it off when in hand to hand combat. I, Peter, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, James Hightower and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Peter.

  19. The wait is a killer today

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