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darth sithlord

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Everything posted by darth sithlord

  1. “The Signus Hunters” What we do?: The Order of The Signus Hunters has one, and only one purpose: To kill members of the Signus Family. Why?: To remove the heretical scum from Ager once and for all. How do I join?: Fill out the application below. Payment: 100 mina for a Signus. ( Dead ) 150 mina for a Signus. ( Alive ) 150 mina for the leader of Signus, Quavinir. ( Dead ) 200 mina for the leader of Signus, Quavinir. ( Alive ) How to spot a Signus: A member of the Signus family usually contains traits of white skin, red tattoos and eyes, a foul smell and they say their ‘w’’s like ‘v’’s. Application: OOC: Mc Name: RP: Rp Name: Age: Race: Hate Signus?: Want to Remove Signus?: Can you Kill? (Got a Va?):
  2. Guys stop trying to rp with me if you want to rp go on an rp server

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Merkaken


      Ok that's what I thought... I'll just go in my corner now.

    3. seannie


      no joking, kebabs never joke that's why they must be removed

    4. monkeypoacher
  3. Never f*** with the Wu-Tang clan. We are coming Signus. I will haunt your dreams forever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. darth sithlord

      darth sithlord

      I am actually 11 and a half.

    3. Eleatic
    4. SirSnowMan


      kebab i am his legal guardian please speak to me

  4. Say goodbye to ya kneecaps, chucklehead!

  5. I never knew that the name "Sir Bandit Robbinton" was trolly. I actually thought it was rather clever.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Parading


      I always subconsciously read your statuses/posts in patrick's voice.

    3. -The Doctor-
    4. darth sithlord

      darth sithlord

      I have a secret to tell you, Parading_bull... I am Patrick.

  6. Who removed my Zombie Video post?

  7. RP Defaulting is a sin.

    1. Swgrclan


      kill aura is sin, eurhhuurrr

  8. Running MCly from RP still enabled PvP, even before the PvP default. At least from what I remember.

    1. nordicg_d


      Yes, you're right. But not if you're a GM.

    2. nordicg_d
  9. Worst battle ever :^(

  10. OOC Information: MC name: Marcitos123 Do you have TS: Yerp Age(Optional): 8 ( *lies* ) Skype(Needed for Chat): marcitos455 How Many characters have you played before: Uhh... About Seven IC Information: *You are presented with the Document and a Quill* First Name: wOOf ( Not real name ) Surname/House: WoOF Age: WOof Sex: WoOF Race: huMan Previous Military Jobs(Guard, etc): WOoF Experience with the Law: * A childish drawing of a dog is printed onto the piece of paper. * Copy of Your Citizenship Papers: WoOf Do you understand and accept the duty's of an Enforcer: Uke --------------------------------- Skills: WOof eS bEg Reason for Joining: wOof neEds coOkIe Do you know what an Enforcer is?: gOoD hUmaN --------------------------------- Oath: I WoOf here by swear my life and honor to the duty's of Law for Oren until I am released upon my duty. I woOf Shall never Abandon the law, I cOOkie shall Never break the law, I wOof shall never Abuse the law, I am Law. *signed* WoOF
  11. This is a status update with Ever in it.

  12. Dwurf antug iz kool

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