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Status Updates posted by ski_king3

  1. Writing a new VA for 8/9 evils... Gunna be fun :P

  2. I can understand the VA purge, but I'm not totally sure why they separated 1, 2 and 4 further. Gunna make writing this VA a tad more annoying, but I guess it's what I gotta do. Oh well :/

    1. ski_king3


      Also, I guess this is me publicly complaining, but I'm not trying to start an argument or any of this silly business. Just slightly saddened by the change.

  3. Any priests up for performing a marriage soon maybe?

  4. Hmm, anybody up for making a skin for my character Chrestienne Guivret? She's getting married soon, and needs a nice dress. PM me or comment below if you're willing, it would be much appreciated

    1. ski_king3


      Not even one person? Please, somebody do this and make Chrestienne look purrteh. I'll love you and give you lots of hugglez!

    2. Shadeleaf


      *sighs* I have time, fingers, programs,

      and quite an expensive mouse I love

      clicking, I will see what I can do

      gimme a skin, and Ill make it perdy :D

  5. #Let'sNotTalkPoliticsOnLotC2012

  6. Where do people get all their house sigils?

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      i have a place i go to to get

      shields done, enjoy:


  7. The rent is too damn high!

  8. Overall, great night of RP. Got rage-punched by drugged Aron into a doorframe, sustained a serious back injury, nearly got stabbed, saved Wocket and Aron, and then got killed while Wocket and Aron FTB'ed. Great night :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gunner


      That FTB just made the fight Better

    3. Wocket


      I'm glad I could enhance the experience :3

    4. Goldd


      0.0 Okay...

  9. Aron uses splash. It's not very effective.

  10. Could anyone edit black robes onto a character of mine? If so, PM me, I'd really appreciate it.

  11. Season 6 of How I Met Your Mother is on Netflix!! OMGYES

    1. ski_king3


      Oh wait, got confused about shows... Season six has been there awhile. :( Gunna go back to moping and crying now.

  12. Halflings should have weekly potato eating contests.

    1. Amorphbutt


      They should also have a "kick the beggar" contest.

  13. What movie on netflix instant stream should I watch?

    1. Watyll
    2. aron.


      bowling for Columbine. good documentary

  14. All my college apps due today are in!! W00T!! Let the fun commence!! Yah... wait, now I have homework... :3

    1. EboBren'


      What are you gonna study? And good luck on your apps! I'm sure after some time on LotC anyone would be an expert on apps.

    2. cruzazul


      I am glad I don't have to go to college. xD

    3. ski_king3


      Looking to study international relations and business, or economics if the school doesn't have business for undergrad.

  15. Damn you, you've found me out! I would be very careful if I were you... You never know who's watching. o.O

  16. Hey guys, don't know if you all are aware, but there's a Hurricane Sandy is hitting the east coast hard for the next few days. Chances are I'll lose power and won't be on for a few days. Just a heads up.

  17. Anyone have any ideas for riddles related to LotC. If you do, could you PM them to me? Would be much appreciated.

  18. Some people say the damned'est things.

  19. 10 people looked at my profile today. I feel loved.

    1. ski_king3


      Definitely not a ploy to get more people to look at my profile :P

    2. danic


      Definitely not going to visit your profile.

    3. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      the society is watching.

  20. Killed, skinned and gutted by Jester. Good times. Revenge will be had.

    1. Redbaron™
    2. Pnoynoy


      Ahh revenge..such a lovely word is it not?..

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