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Sir Kibble (KingSir)

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Everything posted by Sir Kibble (KingSir)

  1. Decided to name my dragons after Yu-Gi-Oh's Six Samurai! ^_^

    1. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Argh! Just realised I mightn't have a fire dragon! There goes Kamon then... p_p

  2. *Panda, sorry... ^_^' Derpy keyboard is derpy.

  3. KingSir is always happy to help his friend Pands! ^_^

  4. I spy with my little eye that you're using a rainbow panda of justice as your avatar! ^_^

  5. 2/10. Because I've seen you twice now. ^_^ More than 2000 posts though, which should make you famous!
  6. "She's a Killer Queen Gunpowder, Gelatine Dynamite with a laser beam Guaranteed to blow your mind Anytime " Best song lyrics ever? Quite possibly so.

    1. Samler


      Name of the song please? :3

    2. Samler


      Name of the song please? :3

    3. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      "Killer Queen" By Queen! :3

  7. Everyone is raging about the server crash... What did I miss...?

    1. Raptorious


      Well good sir, it seems the server crashed. Hence the raging about the server crashing.

    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      People appear to be raging in such a fashion that something important might have happened just before the crash, indicating that it might have interrupted something. I was merely wondering as to what...

  8. Just updated my singature! My dragon eggs now all have titles! :3

  9. I just got my first reputation! ^_^ Quick, someone! Anyone! Let's have a party! ~Fun! ~Fun! YAAAY! ^_^

  10. I just saw that Panda's dragons have hatched. Damn it interwebs, why amen't I popular? p_p

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kaiser


      we all love you king :D

      I don't even know who you are :D

    3. ek_knight


      Maybe you need to start talking in the third person.

    4. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Awh, thanks everyone! :'D And ek_knight, KingSir thinks that's a good idea... However, KingSir has said that it's pure madness, and that he will not be taking part in it. ... Dang it! ._.'

  11. Using the skin Antharin made me. Now I truly look like a WildSpeaker! ^_^ Thank you again, Antharin!

  12. I just realised that I've kind of annexed Ildon's forests... Today, ze forests... Tommorow, ZE VURLD! ... I think I have my sights set up a little high...

  13. Freya, I never met you, but you've made a lasting impression on me after reading through some of your posts... Please don't go... p_p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      This is the beginning of the end! REPENT! REPENT!

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      I somehow expected to read 'and this is crazy' after the line 'I never met you'. Missed opportunity.

    4. Beneh


      I did aswell , Haha.

  14. Just made a little noticeboard in the forests outside of Ildon! I feel like I'm doing my part for the community :3

  15. I went to Arethor for loot. All I found was death. Decided to make myself useful anyways. Noone paid attention to me. Not a succesfull night for Mikhail then... p_p

    1. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Nice event though. Lots of fun, despite being killed by friendly fire. ^_^

  16. Just found 9 gunpowder in a dungeon chest. Things are looking up for Mikhail! ^_^

  17. (Almost) Everything is back! ^_^ Thank you admins, moderators, and other people!

  18. Rain, rain, go away. Come back soon some other never... p_p

  19. Every single time I walk through Ildon someone pulls a blade on me... p_p I blame the mask and hood... Surely if I was an assassin, I wouldn't want to LOOK like one?

    1. Slic3man


      If you're an assassin then you wouldn't want to be seen, period.

  20. "KingSir has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?"

    Because "hello" has probably already been said by many others before me. I consider myself more imaginitive than this. Consider being the key word. So here's something you won't have heard before: Boom Bang Wapple Snapple Wella Wooma Wonka.

  21. The only thing we have to fear is... Fear itself! And angry mobs with picthforks and torches p_p

    1. EmeraldStag
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda just loves the image of being impaled with a pitchfork, she doesn't fear angry mobs :3

    3. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      ... Panda, i don't think I can ever look at you the same way again.

  22. Sneaking through Ilidon while listening to the Mission Impossible theme song :3 I is a ninja!

  23. I'm talking to pandasrcute2. Do I have the right to feel special?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      But... But... It's panda... p_p

    3. Eleatic
    4. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      ... Ok fine. I have to agree with you there. It was rather odd but... Still. Ms Panda person. :3

  24. Is anyone a good skin creator? I can't find any good human druid/shaman/wildspeaker skins... >_

    1. Antharin


      Visit the Bards Shop, I make skins, not sure if they're good though. Or, visit the graphics forum in the Off-Topic section.

    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Just made a post in the graphics forum! Thank you! ^_^

  25. Knights are always ready to die for their country. Why not live for it instead?

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