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Everything posted by Vermn

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Vermn



  3. Prepare for the best topic ever.

  4. Combat-logged when attacked by a spider.

    1. Gillard
    2. Rissing



  5. Could someone give me some info on the coming soon DDoS protection soon?

    1. Raptorious


      We're switching server hosts not being DDOSed.

    2. Glaran


      theyre going to be paying a large sum to have extra memory to take up any ddosings space so the server will be stable.At least thats what it sounds like by their posts.

      Glaran's Photo

  6. I saw your GM tag and it took my about 5 seconds to realise, then it hit. CAPPEH GEEEEE-EMMM~!

  7. This is really true, unfortunately. Thanks~
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSyth


      He kills the orcs. DEAL WITH IT. Wow, that'ss one of the worst app's I've ever read.

    3. Dargene


      I have read a worse one when for a open response quiestion, They put Leave or i will call the chief of all warriors *Calls chief of all warriors on her cellphone*

    4. Vermn
  8. Calvin Harris - We'll Be Coming Back

  9. Best friend just got accepted. :D

  10. My Event Team Application hasn't been denied yet... I guess that's a good sign...

    1. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Good luck with your ET application!~ Hope you get accepted. :)

    2. Vermn


      Thanks! :)

  11. My character is starting to come together and I am finding some great role-play!

    1. Twilight Druid
    2. Vermn


      Nah, it's awesome!~

  12. [MC Name]: [My MC name is Vermn.] RP Name: M' name be Hav, or Havick. Race: I'em a dwarf, o'course. Weapon of Choice: Wea- oh, er' axe, but I can hit t'ings wiff me hoe pree'ee hard. [stats]: [18 Axe Mastery, 83 Farming.] [i prefer to RP most stuff.] Do you swear loyalty: O'course, cross mi 'eart.
  13. Now, my new Avatar/Photo!

  14. [Please note: This character will be an ALT if it is accepted.] Mcname: Vermn Gobbo Name: Tar Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]: Tar is a young, small Gobbo who likes to dance around and annoy people. He is kind when your his friend but gets very upset with people he doesn't like. He is quite stupid and doesn't really know very much... sometimes he forgets his own name! His favourite food is definitely cookies and he would do anything to get his hands on some. Stupidity Level: Calculating... [95%] Gender: Male Special Trait: Annoying things. Age: 17
  15. Going to donate... hm... maybe Diamond...

    1. Antharin


      Are you people really THAT rich?

    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      diamond is for losers, bedrock is the best

  16. Yep, new Avatar and Photo, suits me.

    1. gingernut97


      I agree with everyone else when I say this: You need this as your avatar http://cdn.fd.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Vermin-Supreme-onstage.jpg

    2. Vermn


      Very well.

  17. Hmm, I am beginning to get a nickname... Vermin.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vermn


      It does, but Vermin, it sticks. :S

    3. Sargeblub


      You need to act like this guy:

    4. Vermn


      Hm, no thanks.

  18. [8/10] Meme name... ME GUSTA!
  19. Done, Minecraft bought, now to apply for the server!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRealCookieMan


      Im not sure if this is a great first time playing minecraft! It is alot harder then singleplayer. Nut it is still fun!

    3. TheRealCookieMan


      Im not sure if this is a great first time playing minecraft! It is alot harder then singleplayer. Nut it is still fun!

    4. MrSyth


      Good luck on getting into the server! Have fun!

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