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Agent Miller

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Status Replies posted by Agent Miller

  1. Oh no, I forgot to post today's number! 4. :D

  2. DDOSers? I was not expecting this nemesis to be back yet again, let us meet on the battle field of the internet, chat rullet

  3. Who can do the Harlem Shake?

  4. WdYd Why Doesn't Yolo Die?

  5. Giving up my mod pack, maybe when I know what's what and know what I'm doing I can start it. Until then someone else took over. Thanks for giving me a chance LoTC.

  6. I'm pretty excited for the new game that is being made by Bungie!

  7. I'm trying to do a project, LotC ... Stahp, LotC.

  8. This status has been made purely to see what sort of response shall be invoked by TheCleaningCrew.


  10. Does anyone know what the 3 mods that hawk recommended we install for Lotc?

  11. I kind of feel like getting rid of my current two characters and creating a new one... The RP has just hit a dead end :/

  12. I might have broken the server, might have....

  13. It's my birthdaaaay!

  14. Wrote my first VA. *fingers crossed* :l Also, if you want to support me, here's the link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/81604-veego-the-bastard-bedeveres-first-va/

  15. Finally got mo'creatures to work with tekkit. Took me well over a year ^.^

  16. Anthos email?!

  17. Everyone is getting gaming PC's , I'm very jealous ;(

  18. Getting the "Launchpad cannot connect" error whenever I start up Planetside 2 Any ideas? ( I'm on Mac, and used WIne to transfer the .exe to a .app if that makes a difference.

  19. What is your favorite pokemon game?

  20. And don't forget to vote! Click the link near the top of the forum~

  21. Bought a child slave, free him and raise him = good guy Victor....for now

  22. I really hope I'm not the only one who thinks it is ridiculous that Justin Bieber was accused of animal abuse for giving his hamster away :/

  23. I need a good minecraft downgrader.

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