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Agent Miller

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Status Replies posted by Agent Miller

  1. Earlier today I successfully convinced a Shield Lancel was going to be the main antagonist, help me.

  2. Omfg I almost died.. I was walking with my father and out of no where a car hits me in the side.. 2 inches closer I would have been dead.. and you know what he driver does? He drives away when being screamed at to stop...

  3. Get your food at Dawn's Bakery in Salvus!

  4. *windmills his arms wildly.

  5. *windmills his arms wildly.

  6. I wish I had a pet sloth.

  7. Who's the most failed character on LotC?~

  8. WOO! Essay do tomorrow, barely even started! ;-; I don't understand why I do this to myself... T-T

  9. Hopin i ill get accepted.. taking a while hmm???

  10. 12 days, just 12 more days.... common now, 12 more days.

  11. *Hopes are not good for the Brotherhood of the Black...D:*

  12. Is the server crashing or is it just me?

  13. It's official I need a new character. All ideas are accepted except bad ideas, and skippy.

  14. Started building my towers... Urgh... I am going to need so much stone and wood... wouldn't mind some help.

  15. Internet is broken... Happy birthday to me and I hope to be back soon!

  16. Planning to make a storage business....anyone know a popular area with regularly used docks?


  18. Very bad day. Very tired. Need hugs

  19. Might start either a private vanilla or FTB server, anyone interested?

  20. Might start either a private vanilla or FTB server, anyone interested?

  21. Lol World Vs Orcs

  22. What is this?! I just edit one word in my post with the correct spelling and my entire guild post stuffs up. Can someone take a look at it and tell me what is wrong, because it was perfectly fine up and until now. Thanks.

  23. What is this?! I just edit one word in my post with the correct spelling and my entire guild post stuffs up. Can someone take a look at it and tell me what is wrong, because it was perfectly fine up and until now. Thanks.

  24. Screwed up a friend's BIG post by saying 1 thing was wrong....I'm a dead man

  25. What is this?! I just edit one word in my post with the correct spelling and my entire guild post stuffs up. Can someone take a look at it and tell me what is wrong, because it was perfectly fine up and until now. Thanks.

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