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Agent Miller

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Status Replies posted by Agent Miller

  1. Mmmm that smoooth jazz...

  2. ONe investigation down and no one had to die....See, not yelling DOWN WITH OREN, it works :D

  3. Raptor lost his kippah.

  4. Oooh, finally! Thatch blocks in minecraft!

  5. Has anything been done about the tool bridge set up by the White Rose in the elven lands? Only want to find out OOC'ly and wont meta this info.

  6. Has anything been done about the tool bridge set up by the White Rose in the elven lands? Only want to find out OOC'ly and wont meta this info.

  7. Has anything been done about the tool bridge set up by the White Rose in the elven lands? Only want to find out OOC'ly and wont meta this info.

  8. I cringe reading some of my old forum posts

  9. How did I go from Old Hat to Total Tophat? 0.o

  10. Flame on! -Rurikk

  11. Ugh......so tired.......'How is everyone?

  12. What were the blessing the 4 races received again?

  13. What do I do when I find two of my characters seemingly useless at bringing RP?

  14. What do I do when I find two of my characters seemingly useless at bringing RP?

  15. Solid time as an Orc, thanks guys.

  16. Uh can everybody else get on LoTC MC says it can't reach server D:

  17. There's a pirate nation? WAAAAAAAAT?

  18. There's a pirate nation? WAAAAAAAAT?

  19. Did you know: Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.

  20. Made a list of each person who has legitimately obtained a piece of the dragon from yesterday. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b__ftiBil5hawxWw4jiTFSSssLjrP_E5Lh-lf3Y6mjo/edit?usp=sharing

  21. Made a list of each person who has legitimately obtained a piece of the dragon from yesterday. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b__ftiBil5hawxWw4jiTFSSssLjrP_E5Lh-lf3Y6mjo/edit?usp=sharing

  22. I want to sleep, but I'm so close to finishing watching all of Full Metal Alchemist. :I

  23. *Will no longer participate in Forum RP* Farewell Forum Rp, it was fun while it lasted..

  24. *Will no longer participate in Forum RP* Farewell Forum Rp, it was fun while it lasted..

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