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Everything posted by Amorphbutt

  1. Imma makin' me Kha.

  2. You know what high elves need? They need pets that are as snobby as they are. Griffons the size of Dogs or something.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      how about.... Goldfish.

      they just swim in their tanks all

      smugly like "this is my place you

      legged freak" and i said.....

  3. Thinking of making a new character. I want it to either be a elf, mori, or halfling. Now tell me what it should be! Whatever race gets more comments on will be the new character's race.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      Kha wins. I will awlsao meek a harfling LATER.

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Too many Halflings... Nah, too little devoted Halflings is more like it. Most people who have "joined" have played for a week and then gone back to their cliques.

    4. lιoɴ


      Be a Pimpkin.

  4. There are orcs in Haelun'or, oh there are orcs in Haelun'or.

  5. So, I am looking for the GW2 LoTC guild and my username is: Applemancan.1523

  6. Mother of god, I made mashed potatoes!

  7. You want kitteh? Kitteh of Panda?

  8. 10/10 Pointing fingers at people isn't nice.
  9. Hmm, I want this character to learn magic of some type, preferably elemental magic. Possibly Water or Earth. Anyone willing to teach me IG or OOC?

    1. Lirinya


      It HAS TO BE IC.

    2. Goliath



    3. Guest


      I will be a noob and say the same thing as everyone else: DO IT IC.

  10. I just noticed something, i joined LoTC at the worst time, plugins were being taken out and put in, yet in that chaos, I learned one thing: high elves are the baam.

    1. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      The Holy Oren church would like to inform you that Humans are the race to be.

    2. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      Just a friendly tip, from the Holy Oren Church

    3. Amorphbutt


      Elves can live for thousands of years, humans can only live for 100.

  11. Just went Trick or Treating. Got 2/3rds of my bag full.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      You still do that?

    2. Shadeleaf


      Why not, free stuff!

    3. Amorphbutt


      Halloween is my favorite holliday. So why not?

  12. Lets do the Time-Warp again!

  13. Hey guys, come to the Faeri topic, I edited it some, and I hope to see what you all think about it! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73584-storymyth-the-faeri/page__st__10

  14. Listening to Yael Naim New Soul, le sigh so peaceful...

  15. You know what we need? We need acid pits in Haelun'or, because of all of those "impures" that come a knocking at our door. We would invite them in, then throw them into the pit. I am La Livre du Magique, and I approve of this message.

    1. Shadeleaf


      There is always getting

      guards that do something...

      ya know, like when someone

      is being attacked on the

      bridge by Knox, that would

      be good...

    2. Amorphbutt


      It would also be fun to hear their screams of pain and fear... *insert evil laugh here*

  16. You sir, have the best F*CKING avatar in the world, I clap. Slowly.

  17. Oops I meant Golden Thought not Cursed Thought o.o
  18. Well, my character was adopted by Ionia Sullas.

  19. It seems that my new 10 year old character has a stalker. Meet Kalenz, the pedo High Elf.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sentlit
    3. Amorphbutt


      He said and I quote, ((Kalenz would creep and follow you - Just putting it out there...))

      ((Kalenz would follow also... In theory))

    4. MrSyth


      Kalenz is... a bit off, yes. But he's not pedo. He's awesome.

  20. Would Acaln'iyat or Ellir'acaln work as a name?
  21. MPM is not 1.4.2 -.-' *sigh*

  22. Mah character has a broken leg. The bone is half an inch out of his leg.

  23. I tripped and made Lucion get new pink robes. I love being a child in RP.

    1. Gemmylou


      Being a child is awesome!!!!!!!

    2. gabriel101x1


      I wish my character had never grown up and had always stayed 4... :(

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