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Everything posted by Amorphbutt

  1. Ah, if Unicorns were within Asulon, I would kill them all and then eat them, what about you? What mythical creature would you like to kill off then eat?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      ^Not a Mythical Animal.

    3. SebastianA500


      Please dont become

      Voldermort!!! :P

    4. Dante


      Liches. Mmmm...

  2. I need some help on my MA, I want to have my character be a Air Evocationist, but no one uses it D: MAT pweese help.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Message me, i'll be glad to help you :3

    3. Amorphbutt


      Thanks Laurina

    4. Blundermore


      I've given you what is needed. It is your choice if you follow the path you choose.

      Choose wisely...

  3. I need a magic tutor for my app, anyone willing to do so? I want my char to learn Air Evocation though.

    1. Urahra


      Any member of the magic team can oversee you OOCly if you need them to.

  4. *a letter is sent to the leaders of the Sentinels detailing this: "I am sorry to say, but I am leaving for my home, my father is sick, and dying. They wish of me to come, and say goodbye. I will be back in a elven year or so. -Alasdil.* (Please remove me from the guild for now.)
  5. I need a good High Elfy skin. Can you guys help?

    1. MrSyth


      Take a normal skin, brighten the skin(flesh) until it's as pale as possible, make the hair be either blonde, gray or white, and make sure to MPM it to be a tall elf. You're welcome~

    2. Amorphbutt
    3. Aiden
  6. Okay, I finished my Bio for my new (Brainwashed, racist, insulting) High Elf. Any ideas on how he should act in the ORQ?

  7. Making my Alt Character App, brainwashed High Elf RP anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wavejammers
    3. Supremacy



    4. MonkeyCoffee


      Apple, you don't have to

      make a second App nor

      does it matter that your

      race is Elf, as it only

      encourages meta-gaming.

  8. Hmm, thinking of making another character, a High Elf of course for the magical aspect. Alasdil is more of the physical one. Not a rebel, has to be a male, and I need a good magic-robe looking thing that is white, and silver hair. Any ideas for the name and bio? Don't worry about my other char, I will RP that he went to see his mother that is allowed once a year and such, or someone in his family died.

    1. Amorphbutt


      And I want to join Haelun'or really bad.

  9. *Alasdil finds a leaflet lying on the ground and reads: "Join the Malinor Sentinels, you will protect Malinor and it's people, join today!" He puts this in his pocket and starts to walk towards Normandor to join this group, and hopefully gain a new home.*
  10. My character is the polar opposite of the High Elves, he is not snobby, xenophobic, bratty, or rude. And he was locked out of Haelun'or for being and I quote" Nice and respectful to the monster (Orc), and the Child (human)."

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Watyll


      Think reasonably Danic. If Apple's high elf was raised in a totalitarian society, he would be brainwashed with their values. End of story.

    3. Esterlen


      No, for once I seem to be agreeing with Tavari. We're in a bloody fantasy world. We're not going to carry over our real life morals and ethics - it's stupid to play a liberal and accepting high elf, in my opinion, for a number of reasons. Why not just have a wood elf character? Your characters acts just like one. Keep OOC and IC separate, and refrain from judging characters with our modern-day ethics.

    4. Esterlen


      Character*, sorry.

  11. Wait if dark elves are called Mali'ker wouldn't Wood Elves be called Mali'ame for living in the forest?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dante
    3. Amorphbutt


      Everyone I have met who talked to a Wood Elf did not call them Mali'ame.

    4. Dante


      Well, typically people don't talk to wood elves as there aren't many left. It also depends on the character and if it's necessary for them to speak elvish to those. Typically many people don't fully learn it for its complexity.

  12. My character's phrase: Avern bilok ceru. Or in other words; A wanderer to make strong.

  13. I have the Doctor Who song: "This is Galifrey" going through my head. Ah, such a good song.

  14. I wish I had an awesome High Elven Ranger skin...

  15. Hey, are you a guild leader/member and your guild needs a new member? Look no further than Alasdil The Out-Cast High Elf!http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/72312-a-rangerhunter-looking-for-a-job/#entry587484 Alasdil is not responsible for any crimes, if this guild causes/starts any he shall not be for blame.

  16. Yay, I insulted a arrogant High Elf! The person was being quite the arse towards my rebel High Elf, so I insulted him, in front of lots of people mostly dark elves though.

  17. Here is a joke from an old server the deity called the Pegacorn :The Mighty Pegacorn The divine being of might that empowers His chosen ones to accomplish great feats. If thou disobeys the mighty Pegacorn, thou shalt be banished to His eternal realm where thou shalt be cursed to attempt to fill an ever draining tub of bubble bath for eons to come! A select few prophets of Pegacorn can interpret His words and impart them so they may affect our earthly affairs. His mighty words often take o...

  18. Does anyone else liek rainbows? If you do, you should not. They bleed from my eyes *rainbow colored blood starts to spew out* Ah the pain!

  19. I must know if it is Day-time in the server, I do not want to die because of speedy mobs D:

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Get your pistol and shoot the damn things!, just joking, Its only around 100 blocks out that mobs REALLY spawn.

    2. Amorphbutt


      I am about that far, I am at the Monk Wood Farm. Help if you could, or just tell me when it is day-time xD

    3. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
  20. Too many speedy skeletons! I nearly got killed by them, either it is me, or their is a mod installed that makes them super fast.

    1. meg


      It's Vaq's coding, I'm sure it'll be fixed soon-ish!

      Just be careful at night!

    2. Amorphbutt


      Well, I won't be on for a bit, tell me when it is day in the server.

  21. I have been promoted, but I need help on the sub-race thing do I go High_Elf or Highelf?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      High elf? What is this madness!

      I think it is broken now but the command is


    3. Amorphbutt
    4. Cappy


      You can always ask a GM to set your subrace.

  22. Server crashing 0.0

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