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Status Updates posted by Aptrotta

  1. So I think I type in the blah to much... I'm texting one of my friends and all of a sudden slip into it.

    1. Free The Hobbits
    2. Aptrotta


      Me taxt ziztah un blah. Lat gnew?

  2. Congrats racing brother! Have fun!

    1. racingbrother


      Dankee, I'll make sure to do my best for the community :)

    2. Aptrotta


      You betta' *punches palm*


  3. Anyone know of any good country rock songs?

  4. SoI guess I no l no longer play as Lord High Treasurer? Okay... I guess it ba to be done since I can play without a laptop. Lets hope I can get back on soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aptrotta


      In a fit of anger my dad threw my laptop in a pool. So now I no longer own one. I was already grounded till October, but could get back on then. But now without a laptop the time is indefinite.

    3. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    4. Aptrotta
  5. Favorite villain?

  6. Going to write lore for Gallmorian Dark Arts :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aptrotta


      For the special project going on under Gallmore. Goes hand in hand with that.

    3. Aptrotta


      Does LoTC have dark art lore? I don't think I have seen any bad magic

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Yup. "Dark Arts" is an entire Archetype of magic in LOTC

  7. I will return as soon as I can. My laptop was thrown

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ogdan
    3. gingernut97
    4. Aptrotta


      It sunk like a rock... Don't ever make parents mad..

  8. Anyone know if any good country rock songs?

  9. A few simple words and any hope you had for something is gone

  10. That awkward moment when AiiM is right...

  11. That awkward moment when you texting a friend about someone and the person your talking about responds in their phone....

    1. 3andD


      That awkward moment when this is LotC, not Facebook

    2. Aptrotta


      Thy awkward moment when I figure that out.

    3. EmeraldStag


      That awkward moment when someone is being rude for no real reason.

  12. Aptrotta lurks around the forums stopping in different sub sections. His mouth begins to spam click the refresh button for a few moments on a certain app, his eyes wandering over the current reader list. In a matter of seconds he tiptoes away without a trace.

  13. Lost make absolutely no sense.... None what so ever....

    1. Haelphon


      Lost am drugs go with the jungle because eat people huehuehue

  14. Harrison is going to turn into a male Locile Bluth. This will be fun

  15. Quick question. Can you send things besides books with the aviary plugin?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadeleaf


      Physical minas are kind of a no for the moment from what I understand... though I'm sure Tyrion would appreciate the feedback!

    3. Aislin


      Bombs sent by birds!

    4. Old-Rattlesnake


      You can put me in a package and mail m- *shot by MAT sniper*

  16. Looking for some nice open window designs for Gallmore buildings? They need to fit between columns which are two apart

  17. Cant beleive I am not a Proconsul anymore... Two weeks and may not even be Proconsul again on the island I did all the work to get...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ogdan


      Roll with the punches

    3. Aptrotta


      I am,rolling with it. Just can't believe how quick it goes away. One minute you have it all, next you got nothing and lose everythingn

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Aptrotta, I woke up one day and PKed my Hochmeister randomly, I gave it all up. Its all cool mate.

  18. Remodeled a few buildings, had some great rp, and got a some references on my ET app. It's been a good LoTC day. Night

  19. Can someone help me find some good artwork of the Aries Zodiac sign? Please.

  20. Almost my one year anniversary!

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