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Status Updates posted by Aptrotta

  1. That terrible feeling when you reeled like you ruined your set after doing so well that day. One thing can destroy it all

  2. Patience is a virtue I do not possess. Cant wait to start building Gallmore!

  3. Patience is a virtue I do not possess. Cant wait to start building Gallmore!

  4. Patience is a virtue I do not possess. Cant wait to start building Gallmore!

  5. It sucks being impatient. Cant wait to start on Gallmore

  6. It sucks being impatient. Cant wait to start on Gallmore

  7. Trying to figure out hot to make a small carriage in game to sit out font of the manor in Gemglade

    1. Norman


      Noice noice.

    2. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      What bout dis:

  8. Hey, where are you?

  9. Hey, where have you been? I miss you, come back

  10. You know what plugin I miss, I miss the physical Mina's plugin. Really added to rp. You could Cary Mina's on you at all times in rp, people could actually rob you and get money you would carry. Loved that plugin

    1. Gorum©


      Haha, I liked that back in Asulon. Up untill the point I died with a 250,000 mina note.

    2. jtucker40
    3. Aptrotta


      Hahahah, Hydrose was in a battle and was picking up the deceaseds money

  11. Ad me on Skype, Aptrotta

  12. Please, pm me if you would like some feedback before you submit your app

  13. Add me on Skype, Aptrotta

  14. Also, really like your avatar. Love the red queen

  15. I hope I did not sound ( whats the word ) rude ( can't be right...) by posting that status. All I meant was I justo really would like some feedback or

    1. Aptrotta


      I h e wanted to be an FM since week one. Sorry if I seemed ( still can't think of word) -insert the word that should go here-

  16. I wanta be a beta tester! But not as much as I want to be an FM. Think I would make a good FM, please stop on by and drop a support. Think I won't make a good FM, tell me why on the thread.

    1. Volutional


      Well, it's not the plus ones that finalize nor alter the last decision.

  17. What the secret to earning Mina's? I hate trying to buy something and not having enough. Tell me your secrets

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aptrotta


      I want something that fits my character. He is smart, writes, vain, arrogent

    3. V0idsoldier


      Smart? Play the economy. Merchants are smart. Writes? Write a book, offer selling the book to nobles for an absurd price. Go under the guise that is a limited edition. Vain and Arrogant? Take a loan from someone rich and apprentice under them, again circling around to the merchant scheme.

    4. Shorsand


      Dedicate time to the iron mines.

  18. Needs a way to get more Mina's besides voting

  19. We need to rp soon! Do you still play?

  20. Any cool programs where I can put my minecraft skin over a cool background?

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Try Novaskin, it has some default backgrounds or you can save it as a gif and just drag it over a custom image on Paint.

  21. Any cool programs where I can put my minecraft skin over a cool background?

  22. Goodnight lotc. RP will be there run the morning. For now I drift off into the magical world of sleep. Make my morning great an drop a support on my FM app possibly? Good night. "Dreadful Dreams Darlings" - Elvira

  23. How long between each restart usually?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      i lied he is in panama and w/o copm access....

    3. BrandNewKitten


      :O NO! Our sweet Prince! WHY?!

    4. Katherine1


      About 5 minutes for a normal restart to occur. 4 Hours between each normally scheduled restart. Just to be extra clear.

  24. How long between each restart usually?

  25. How long between each restart usually?

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