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Status Updates posted by Aptrotta

  1. Where can I find the teamspeak channels for LOTC

    1. Haelphon



  2. Where does an elf find divorce papers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Agith


      At the weapon smith

    3. Desires


      Why do you want divorce?! D:

    4. Thatpyrodude


      don't do it man, than you got alimony and all that good stuff

  3. Where have you been lately. The adventure needs to go on an adventure and cant go on without you

  4. where is the thanksgiving festivities being held

    1. ek_knight


      They were held yesterday, I believe.

  5. Where would a guide on a characters wardrobe go? I would like to make a guide on how characters should dress and how many outfits they have.

  6. Where would a guide on a characters wardrobe go? I would like to make a guide on how characters should dress and how many outfits they have.

  7. Where would a guide on a characters wardrobe go? I would like to make a guide on how characters should dress and how many outfits they have.

    1. SparehoeCakes


      I'd put it in the Roleplaying Guide's section.

  8. While the server is down why dont some of you amazing skinners take a gander and try making me a skin? Please ?

  9. While the server is down, why not join The Fellowship of the Venturers

  10. While the server is down, why not join The Fellowship of the Venturers

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aptrotta


      I advertised it in the roleplay section

    3. Aptrotta


      and the halfing roleplay section

    4. Aptrotta


      So it was, I was just trying to draw more attention to it

  11. While the server is down, why not play on my small server. the ip is purpleqizards.zapto.org

    1. Goldd


      your ip doesn't work...

  12. Who are the oren rebellions between? Which two groups?

    1. Lathros


      Rebels & Oren. teehee

  13. Who is exceited for CHRISMAS? I cant wait. Im going to yosemite, thats not the good part (i will be away from lotc during those couple days :(. *tear rolls down cheek* ) Once I get back, Im going to big bear with my bestfriend ( I am trying to get him to apply for the server ) and I get to snowboard all week. What are you excited for?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. danic


      I'm getting my first laptop this christmas so yay :D

    3. Space


      I want earth aids.

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      The feeling of her friends being happy.

  14. Who wants to make a new character on Moon Guard to rp with me on WoW

  15. Who wants to play WoW?

    1. shiftnative


      Play Vanilla WoW - play the game it was meant to be! ;p

    2. Aptrotta
  16. Who wants to play WoW?

  17. Whoever died in the wilds, I found your stuff. You had a book and quil. The first page had a sketch of a house on it. IM me on forums for it.

  18. Why am not able to move forward, back, or side to side?

  19. Why are people getting in trouble rp for rigging what votes with what alts? Confused am I

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aptrotta


      What numbers? Mine status?

    3. Aislin


      On the poll regarding the vote on RP default vs PvP default, many people apparently used alternate accounts to affect the votes. It's cheating.

    4. Aptrotta
  20. Why can LOTC have Worgen? I love Worgen

  21. why cant i fall asleep, Why.Oh wait, its because of LOTC

  22. Why do people hate rp-Ing in marshes? Gemglade is beutiful, rp there

    1. BrandNewKitten
    2. Aptrotta


      You like it, thanks! I have been working really hard on fixing it up

    3. Lago


      Where is it?

  23. Why do the humans treat the dwarves like we are useless?

    1. Praetor


      Dwarves are cool

  24. Why is Alras so empty lately.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aptrotta


      We Gould advertise it more, Alta's is a big city with no one in it, there is hardly ever rp going on becuase no one is there

    3. Wizard


      The dwarves need to relocate to a single hold to centralize the RP

    4. Aptrotta


      Box, you have an awesome idea. We should talk to all the leaders about that. It does not matter if all the clans are in one area, we will just have different sections.

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