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Status Updates posted by ~TheDerpyBeagle~

  1. We should have thought of the voting button a long time ago... Soon we will be #1 :D

  2. Haha, memories of me failing on my first app. When it said "in character" I literally thought you had to type all the questions as if you were your character and I made up places. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/42618-blob9000s-whitelist-application/page__p__302520__hl__blob9000__fromsearch__1#entry302520

  3. 2,716 ban reports have been made... I ARE NOT IMPRESSED

  4. I swear if one more staff member leaves because of flaming...

  5. Th-thank you. :'( Back to mourning...

  6. Yay, Zezimus approved me for Dog/Wolf RP :D

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I swear I keep getting him and Zebana mixed up.

    2. Weeberlore(Seardrick)


      Me and SuperSodaPops were the orignal.

  7. So what happened with Dusk? Link plox?

  8. So who do I talk to if I want to RP a Wolf?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity
    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      There have been people forced to kill their wolves due to no approval from GM's, I suggest you do it.

    4. Skippy


      You need to have approval to play a WOLF?

  9. Looking back at the application archive, so embarrased by my first apps LOL

    1. EmeraldStag


      I am actually sorta proud of mine....but...still embarrassed by it.

    2. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      My first one, I made up places >_>

  10. #unbankryal2012

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      This is what we don't need unfortunately. These statuses make it seem like it's just something hip to say rather than you actually making a good, supported reason as to why he should be unbanned.

    3. Zebanamana
    4. cruzazul


      The evidence looks pretty bad for him. Lots of things that show that he wasn't actually a nineteen your old like he says he was.

  11. PLEASE turn creeper explosions off. They are SO annoying

    1. danic


      OMG! I totally KNOW, RIGHT? SO annoying.

    2. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      Can't tell if sarcasm or serious. If sarcasm, you are being rather rude lately, you should have a better attitude. :I

    3. danic


      I was actually both! My apologizes, I have a rather good attitude, but I just find your emphasis on those words in your sentemce comical as it sounds similar to a particular person I know in real life.

  12. People still acting racist to Dark Elves -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. danic


      Someone's bullying your poor, poor nonexistent character based on his nonexistent race? How barbaric!

      On a less blunt note; Don't take RP racism so personally. It's just a game and can amount to fun, and or interesting roleplay.

    3. Serf


      People like you guys kind of degrade, and ruin the community with this rudeness. Couldn't you have just said "Don't let ICly things bother you like IC racism, and such, and its only roleplay?" I mean come on people..

    4. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      Thoak is an actual nice person. You guys need to be more kind. I just simply thought that the Dark Elf racism just started recently. Smart-ass remarks and rude gestures are what makes this community have flame wars and all that.

  13. What race do I make my character for temp map?

  14. What happened to Skippy? He is a Elf and doesn't post trolly... 2012 REALLY IS THE END OF THE WORLD

  15. Making a fantasy map in MC for fun :D

  16. I never got my Iron VIP status on the forums... any help?

    1. shiftnative


      Message me your MC name puhleeese! :]

  17. Need iron VIP tag on my forum account plux.

  18. Why did you sell Normandor for a cookie? Orcs: "YOLO"

  19. le sigh no Kha in 3.0 :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ayresalex
    3. ayresalex
    4. Merkaken


      It's going to be seriously disappointing and aggravating if the Kha' are killed off 3.0... It'd be such a huge waste.

  20. How many posts do you need to change the thing under your photo, like "newly spawned"?

  21. THIS IS THE STORY OF CREEPERS: They want to hug you, but have no arms so they explode with sadness.

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