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Status Updates posted by xenenxnennxnx

  1. --go--equalists--

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Raptorious


      sith and jedi can keep their glow sticks and their dresses, give me mandalorian iron and a good blaster any day

    3. Anderssn


      ^ Pew pew pew ^

    4. _Deutschland_


      Actually, Mandalorian armor is composed of a near indestructible metal called beskar, mined off of Mandalore's only moon. Jango Fett uses WESTAR-54 blasters (custom made).

  2. *everyone rushes over to new BR.* I saw 48 people on that at once!

  3. *everyone rushes over to new BR.* I saw 48 people on that at once!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Watty_Banker


      Its cus its Emerik that guy gets a BR every month

    3. Parading


      No, it is because the servers down and everyone is looking for something to do lol. BR's can be fun when you aren't directly involved.

    4. xenenxnennxnx
  4. *waves lightly* I'm back from my break..

  5. Any announcement regarding why some people can't get on the server? I'm interested about the error I'm getting: io.netty.channeltimeoutexception

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DecoLamb


      I'm locked out too, and none of those methods help. At all.

    3. Samsan99


      I know 15+ people ahve issues connecting to the server pretty sure its lotc itself nothing you can fix

    4. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      I personally dont have any issues with lotc, But cant log into any other server

  6. Anyone located in Abresi, or surrounding areas...how would you feel about this event being continued? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/95109-in-progress-the-rise-of-the-rampant-growth/

    1. spqrSancus


      Eh... You don't RP it often enough. If you did, it'd be interesting.

    2. xenenxnennxnx


      It's a mix of a event team thing, while also us not being on enough.

  7. At least 5 guys asked me out today at school...after I declined kindly, they said "April fools"

  8. Can anyone do a recolor of my character's skin's hair from blue to a normal brown? (human)

  9. Can anyone link me a thread on the magic process (like having a character learn a specific type of magic)?

    1. xenenxnennxnx


      Got it! Someone PMed me.

  10. Crash and Boom.

    1. B.Acidcrash


      Sounds like one hell of a party.

  11. Cycle of Death, pls help! Won't let me respawn. http://gyazo.com/df7bffcf2f00256325fbf268fa4d93cb

    1. Evilbanana5757


      Your soul has been lost to the space-time continum for the rest of eternity....

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I doubt it. Simply because at the end of the video, they say "This server has no anithack, or log block" The server does have block log. But even if it did, I've seen bigger destruction in the server, and they would have had to been in the wilds unless they had permission for the entire area.

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      That was the saddest attempt at grief...

  12. Entire List of Major Changes in 4.0? i.e. soulstone land occupation, tutorial, etc. -- Please help!

    1. Onslaughted


      but that will ruin da suprise

    2. Raptorious


      who even gives a **** about a surprise, we're not 7 years old and its not our birthday

  13. First time playing in awhile. Very fun

    1. Guest



    2. Booklight12


      Play Blakes aunt!

    3. monkeypoacher


      don't shout at LOOC ok?

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