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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by K00l

  1. I can't take tythus' post seriously with that gif.

  2. I don't want to sound like a ****, but he always caused OOC shitstorms...

  3. I hereby, declarith! This server, Thee Lord of Thee Crash!

    1. Artisane


      *smacks with wet feesh"

  4. I just witnessed the weirdest RP in LoTC. As punishment for A crime, a man got his butt chopped off. ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wavejammers


      Soup rice, but seks

    3. Aiden
    4. Blundermore


      He probably made himself look like a complete arse then.

  5. I like too feel important, although it'll never happen. c;

    1. Bircalin


      Make it happen! There's nothing stopping you :>

    2. Bircalin


      Make it happen! There's nothing stopping you :>

    3. Kaiser


      I think your important <3

  6. I like too go through ban reports, and ocasionally I laugh at the silly things people are reported for...

    1. Garret Baretta (preston19)
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Har har, same here c:

    3. MetaSolaray


      Can I ban report you for looking through the ban reports and laughing :(?

  7. I name the day, the day of ban reports.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tnoy23


      Declaration of officialness is seconded.

    3. Chikachu


      The Movement is officially Implemented. Any found not cooperating with this movement will be terminated on sight. All Hail Ban Report day.

    4. schizo


      All Hail Ban Report day seconded.

  8. I think it's my fault if Sky crashed the server >_>

  9. I wish Neci Solaray would change that video in her signature... REALLY creeps me out...

    1. MetaSolaray



    2. Ventusyr


      OMG I SECOND THAT STATEMENT. I was sitting by my mom, staring at it, and she's like "Dude wth is that."

    3. Raomir


      I AGREE creepy!

  10. I witnessed Empirebel being slain on the battlefield by AmKrules, Flays, are not invincible.

    1. Aislin


      He is not true flay

  11. I'm so bored that I think I'll draw a picture of my characters. ._.

    1. Gunner


      DA server is up

    2. EboBren'


      I would do that too, but they would just come out as disproportional stick figures.

  12. If this is another rollback, I'm quiting. I'm not running 233249023 blocks for the third time in a row.

  13. In the fringe, the plague killed the server down to about 9 people online a day. They knew it would kill all RP, to cease the war, what are they trying to do now.

    1. Skippy


      lets get our tinfoil, the gms are up to no good

    2. K00l


      hide the memes

  14. It took 8 months, but fanks too whoever finally updated me on the forums to my VIP status. Pikachu be with you.

  15. Lord of the crash

  16. Mmmm... Butterfingers....

  17. No, no, No loife. -Peasant

  18. Nobody go Boney hunting. Crashes server.

  19. o wow srver, u jst

    1. Blundermore


      The hole is easily filled.

  20. On 1/11/14, at 5:27 PM, Morghandi (Titania) wrote:

  21. Screw the ohsoimportant chat system, deal with the seemingly hourly crashes.

  22. Server Down for 1 day and 3 minutes Mark! ****Now****

    1. Gunner


      YOU'RE ALIVE! -Throws carrot

      at face-

  23. Server, always ruining our RP when it gets good...

  24. Server, why yu crash?

    1. Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      To save you from imminent death! :P

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