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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Mish_

  1. Feelin' it now Mr. Krabs?

    1. CommunistSpy


      Art thou feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?

  2. You know what DAY IT IS??

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lark


      is it Hump day?

    3. Mish_


      Hump day it is!

    4. Yoff


      That makes me feel like things are gonna go my wayyyyyy...

  3. Server down?

    1. TheAlmightyOst


      I went to sleep with it down 7 hours ago, and I woke up with it down.

  4. Is anyone intrested in joining a guild of assassins?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JtPv


      If they do I'm so in.

    3. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      Gooms will clean up the bodies.

    4. Mish_


      1. I havent seen many

      2. Killing for money, like poisoning food, ranged, melee


      4.Cool, hit me with a message

      5. Quite

      6. no

      7.Your loss

      8. What ever

  5. Please if you enjoy the roleplay I provide, go check out my ET app, and drop a +1, even if you don't share what you think with me on it!

  6. If Gingerbread men took over the world, I would die one of the first. Stupid Allergies!!!!

  7. I am officially back. What is up?

  8. I am back, oh and if u liek mah rp ref my et app, and if you want to check out NightmarezBand on siundcloud.

  9. Anyone else into gravity falls theme?

  10. What happen while i was gone?

  11. Chuck Norris makes fire by rubbing dry ice to more dryice. Chuck Norris doens't do a roundhouse kick, he does a rond the earth kick

    1. aron.


      Chuck norris was once bitten by a King Cobra. After three excruciatingly painful days... the Cobra died

  12. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  13. Just was on the server from an ipad, #Minechat

    1. Lvke


      I must get this app!

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I need my parents to hate this server even more, *goes to beg for 2 dollars*

  14. Playing Roblox witha friend, don't judge me

    1. Dargene


      I remember roblox...*goes to play it*

    2. Mish_


      Shutup Dargene

  15. Oh god ventus.

  16. Anyone know how to get minecraft items with the minecraft blender rig?

  17. A second round of awesomeness. I drew this pro style http://gyazo.com/0a2472f7a101cf83c14ffc7c407f1151

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      still better than me...

  18. Just listened to the Smosh Assassins Creed Song. :3

    1. Free The Hobbits
    2. Mish_
    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      It was like watching one of those cheesy 90s cartoons that teaches you about puberty and stuff

  19. Are you good at making lore? Mind lending a hand in helping me create my lore? It's a magic, but I need help with it. Comment below!

  20. End of Stream, Java Problems, whats going on?

  21. Bye lotc. I love u, will be back. Or not.

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