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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by JtPv

  1. Beware Malinor, there are cyberers in your midst...

  2. Getting real tired of these item hungry people.. They dont even take the time to rp well, they just run at you and say Stop or ill kill you"

  3. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What notable Kingston business did the Ashby Family operate?

  4. Holy monsters. If we cannot spam click how am I supposed to kill a zombie with golden armor and two mini zombies with leather armor?

  5. Going to bring back my Dark elf because they are supreme rulers now

  6. Did Titania pk?

  7. Yes!!! I was worried for nothing!!!

  8. Coffee with a Cookie...

  9. I just heard someone say don't use Google chrome. Internet explorer is better. Can someone shoot me now.

  10. rhia threatened aislin, i am calling the vat to her house to detain her

  11. *posts 'crazy gaius' on every one of Gaius' statuses updates. :3

  12. Mime-chamber

  13. Fun fact: I denied Lagomorphia's VA over a year ago.

  14. [04:00:59] Heero: Nothing's too young. NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE

  15. How much is anti DDOsing software?

  16. How much is anti DDOsing software?

  17. And so our great nation falls, the plague of our time bringing our great civilization to its knees. Flee while you can, safe yourselves from such a fate, do not be taken by this great power of malice and evil. Resist... resist.... the donger....

  18. Now I feel really bad. I've neglected this game for a while :c http://gyazo.com/e8109f29dec59390c43d71a6239b9740

  19. Its time for some therapy.... I am going to say something and you respond with the first thing that comes to mind. Ready? Ok. "RP Default"

  20. Is there lore somewhere for transmutation circles?

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