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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by JtPv

  1. As much as a few people are whining about the 'Blow off Your Steam' thread being closed, I think Emerald applied the right diagnosis.

  2. *shrugs* was worth a try. But... People just won't do that, Stag. And I knew that risk when I posted. It became evident in about half a minute. But we need something of that sort. Because there just isn't... Anything to do what for it. Some just can't vent any other way, but we need one.

  3. Et tu, Brutus?

  4. Anime lovers around the world! Give a shout out and let it be known that we love Anime! HUZZAAAHHH!

  5. Anime lovers around the world! Give a shout out and let it be known that we love Anime! HUZZAAAHHH!

  6. New VAT > Old VAT. My VA was accepted in less than 10 minutes, where in the old system it would take 2-5 days. Huzzah.

  7. *looks to his clean Application Submissions section, then to the filthy Villain Applications section. "AT > VAT."

  8. I want to write lore... But I can't write the lore I want to write without writing lore for something I don't know enough lore on to write about. This is problematic.

  9. Thank you BNK for preventing me from procrastination. My future grades salute you.


  11. *Gets back from holiday to find that his locked chests were opened during an attack and all his iron and diamonds stolen...* FML

  12. Why do people call me nice? When have I ever been nice? ಠ╭╮ಠ

  13. Guess what race the druid plays on Gw2. Go ahead, guess.

  14. Egg fights should be a thing

  15. Next on characters to make. A cleanly shaven dwarf.

  16. "Oi...How many times will new players call me a vampire?

  17. God Druids are fun.

  18. #bringbackesterlen

  19. Don't touch my City while I'm away you scum

  20. We need more explosives.

  21. Why cant people just go with the flow instead of pointing out every little rule broken or tiny mistake made by the other party? Makes rp less fun for those who do enjoy rp...

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