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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by JtPv

  1. Well.....that was colorful.

    1. everblue2er101


      And spammy. But also colourful.

    2. EmeraldStag
  2. Whoever plays Dedicant Bartley.....I got most of your stuff.

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      I think he's aptrotta on the forums if you want to pm him.

  3. I caved. I turned it off. You win. Slendy. You win.

    1. Elfen_


      it not just slendy?

    2. JtPv


      But he was the original.

    3. Elfen_


      I blocked the other images..I miss slendy.

  4. If I see another psycho picture I am going to lose my ****

  5. I am dissapoint.

  6. I...I can't block it......it's resetting!

    1. Pinsir99


      So creepy... :( Save us...

    2. Pinsir99


      Zombie girl is scary... :(

  7. ....I'm gone for 16 hours.....what's this about a horse?

  8. Feel free PM me if you need a skin.... I'll be taking requests for the next 2 days of my spring break.

  9. Above search bar: Slendy Below Search Bar:Ad ;-;

  10. Did....did you give Slendy a face?

  11. Tythus.....your name at the bottom... ;-; TOO MANY COLORS!

  12. Creation vs. Evolution thread is getting.... well, the Christian side is attacking itself.

  13. I kinda miss borgtrek...

  14. I hate life. I thought Minecraft 2 was real... ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Horses yes, magic naw.

    3. Kim


      that's exciting! finally stained glass and horses!

    4. JtPv


      The horses are crap.... they better at least give them a new model.

  15. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/84973-bioshock-new-rapture-applooc/page-2 - come on guys, I got like, 5 replies when I asked which I should do...how has only one applied? I'll release the
    1. JtPv


      RP thread tommorrow

  16. Miss Swan XD

  17. I have 3 ideas for forum RP- Christian Rapture, Secret societies (with nations), or Bioshock Rapture Survival. What does the server want?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Would you kindly make a BioShock RP?

    3. JtPv


      0.0 The demand for Bioshock RP is...overwhelming. Guess we have a winner.

    4. EmeraldStag


      Ding Ding, make it have apps and limits on Bioticchemicalmagicpowerthing

  18. *Watches salt and ice challenges* I don't know whether to laugh or to cry at their bad friends and idiocracy...

  19. Okay,I've had enough confusion- could you PLEASE leave your gender in the comments before I screw it up?

    1. Lvke


      I am definitely a female. Definitely....

      *is a guy, no worries about that*

    2. MonkeyCoffee
  20. Telanir-Your work could become obsolete 0.0

    1. PtahWithin


      I think that's just someone spouting their ideas.

    2. JtPv


      Well...he has been right before...somewhat...

    3. Skippy


      good, now he won't have to update it / manage it, it'll be easier and nicer.

  21. Asking again- how does the server react to Rapture Survival Forum RP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Bioshock? If it is Bioshock then I say go for it.

    3. JtPv



    4. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Ah... well I can't say that I am too interested then. But don't let me keep you from making it if you really feel like doing it ^_^

  22. *wants to play D&D* *Has no friends willing to do so*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. blindmind


      Slap each of them with a fish for the fools they are. All of my friends hugely regretted not picking it up way earlier.

    3. Bucky_24


      My friends are all 'Jocks' :/ Any my IRL Minecraft friends think even playing on LoTC is too geeky!

    4. blindmind


      They will learn. Now, get a fish to slap their faces with.

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