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About Its_Just_Leap

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    ?Keeper of the Keys?
  • Birthday 06/02/1999

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    Its Just Leap#5153
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  1. That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BritBritt


      Yo like I lowkey hate the devs aside from Tofuus as much as the next guy but like Hyena is right. 

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      @Tofuus Maybe I'm just being too much of an unrealistic *******. I'm too used to bitching about a game dev that CAN fix issues.

    4. James


      @Its_Just_Leap You're right, they did sign up for it and it's their prerogative on what they want to do with that. If you want to change that, join the team and not only fix nexus, but keep it updated. It's unrealistic to make volunteers commit to something that not only isn't efficient in their viewpoint with the time allotted, but to push something for mechanical features that could be better programmed. Most of the playerbase for lotc happens to be people between middle school and college. Many of the coders are either in a high school program in coding, or working for a A.A. or B.A. in computer science or computer information systems. Between family, friends, school, work and programming for this they have priorities whether they're MIA or not. I'm a programmer and almost came back on the single premise of just doing coding for lotc. Programming is a very meticulous task, and I personally don't believe it a very comforting to treat the small coding team with this respect.   "That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?"   If your complaint is that they have a problem with upkeep over a single plugin is difficult due to the way it was programmed, then instead of advocating of a return from nexus maybe you should try pushing an agenda of making something similar that their more familiar with having been coded differently. You could simply be a proponent of specific features that you would have re-implemented rather than sit here and drone on about a flawed point.

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