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Status Updates posted by spqrSancus

  1. After about a year without doing any pvp whatsoever, I finished third in survival games. Woot!

  2. All Gravens, please check the note/spoiler in my Quick Guide on Gravens, I've talked with Grim and he agrees. We need this to change, effective in an hour and a half.

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      No worries, Abresi and other towns aren't very..natural for my graven lol

    2. spqrSancus


      :P Good. Grim will be moving to Malinor. Mine, as ever, will be a wanderer, and he's not just hunting you guys anymore. Slight Graven change approved by Grim, I hunt zombos and skelies as well to allow for more efficient and longer RP as a Graven.

  3. Alright, actually going to continue being inactive for another 8 days, be back soon though.

  4. Alright, found the problem. XD 1.7.2, so outdated. :P

  5. Alright, three choices: Adunian, Russian Thief Girl, or Sancor as a Ghost. Make your choice.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Evilbanana5757



      or the adunian :3

    3. spqrSancus


      So far, Adunian leads, Void hates everyone, and people who have met me when I RP'd Sancor really want to see him back. Hmmm...

    4. Dreek


      If you're a female irl then the thief, if you're a guy irl then be a ghost or adunian

  6. Alright. I have an alt in mind. Is Kralta Russian? Or Ruska? Or both?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. spqrSancus


      *confuses everyone with weird non-question-statements.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Kralta is capital of Ruska. Ruska is based on medieval Ukrainian/Russian culture.

    4. spqrSancus


      Got it. Thanks for the clarification Bael.

  7. Ancora's kinda just waiting... And daydreaming... In love... Basically, she's a tragedy in the making. I didn't think I'd have to perma so many chars all at once. O.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spqrSancus


      Lol. She fell for Ira, but this keeps going, I think I'm gonna turn her into a dryad. Maybe that might avoid some of the tragedy coming about.

    3. V0idsoldier


      The only tragedy is that we are never on at the same time lol. Every time I get on, you aren't ;P

    4. spqrSancus


      Lol. GET ON SOONER! I'm normally on 7:00 pm EST. XD You'd best get on then. Ancora's becoming a dryad if you can't. XD

  8. Anyone know how to embed videos into a post?

    1. paulie


      i think you just post the link

    2. Stephensj
    3. spqrSancus
  9. Are there any artists around willing to make a couple of images for me? PM me if you can and are willing. Ty.

    1. Parading


      I'm an artist but I don't draw or make pictures, or paint.

    2. spqrSancus


      XD Any good with making art via the computer?

  10. Au revoir, Celia. Live happily ever after with Aldeon! ;)

    1. steelersfan1221
    2. spqrSancus


      :P Thinking about starting an RP page for the Last Shores... Just so that we don't see all those chars just go "poof." Only regret: Never really got to RP with Celia much. The thing about all my female chars is that their love life is an essential part of them. When Sara Lerron's husband got killed, I kept her alive... Was a bad mistake on my part. XD

  11. Augor, we were supposed to get Elsil turned. Gonna do it tonight or not, because if not, I want to get on with RP.

  12. Augor, we were supposed to get Elsil turned. Gonna do it tonight or not? Because I'd very much like not standing around in Malinor waiting for something that's not coming. :/

    1. Demotheus


      turned? Turne dinto what!?

  13. Back, be RPin' again soon! See you all in Haelun'or (And, of course, if you're a ghosty of any proper sort, the Court. :))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    3. BrandNewKitten
    4. spqrSancus


      :P Of course my good friends, albeit I have a feeling I will be traveling back and forth between the two rather often... :P

  14. Be back later... So. Much. Work.

  15. Ben127127 - I am sorry that LoTC crashed. Please message me and we can continue our conversation in the morning. I'm sorry for any inconveniences made.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elfen_


      ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MPM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    3. Heff


      ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MPM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MPM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  16. C***, I didn't know how much I don't mingle with so much of the staff! I'm not doing the staff survey. It would be unfair to those of you staff I can't say I really know. I'd only follow the horribly biased opinion of the rest of the server.

  17. Can I have an ETA on BM lore's confirmation/verdict? If not, just say so.

    1. Samler


      What is a BM? The only thing I can think of is Beast Master back in the days I played WoW.

    2. spqrSancus


      Me and Lanader's Battle Monk lore.

  18. Can someone remind me what the IP address is again? It's been too long...

    1. xenenxnennxnx


      Oh, my, god. Do you remember me? It's Tantaparo! mc.lotc.co

    2. spqrSancus


      Yup! Don't worry, I don't think I've forgotten anybody just yet. The question is... Who remembers ME? :P

    3. xenenxnennxnx


      You played that emotionless man :D

  19. Celaena Archdiamond is back in action! See you guys soon!

  20. Congrats Anthos on the defea of the Wyrm! :)

  21. Congrats Anthos on the defeat of the Wyrm!

  22. Correction: Four days before first being accepted onto the server. WOOT!

  23. CoS meeting in less than an hour!

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